Try to Keep a straight face watching this

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by TheEasterDuck, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1 TheEasterDuck, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    [ame=""]YouTube- Real Meteor ( Live )[/ame]
  2. I win? Honestly didn't even feel the need to chuckle :(
  3. Great song.

    [ame=]YouTube - Galaxy Song[/ame]
  4. I laugh so hard!
  5. lmao why the fuck is this so funny?? its so stupid tho

    i was like, "alright no sweat, i wont laugh"

    first 10 seconds... LMAO
  6. Comon seriously how could you not laugh at that, you have no humor at all man
  7. Easter you gotta stop double posting

  8. Only topped by this:

    [ame=]YouTube - Every Sperm is Sacred[/ame]

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