Unless I'm just wierd, but for me this was a crazy experience, and it is how I feel about the human race most of the time. Go to the nearest mirror, and look at your face. Just stare at it. Don't focus directly on any specific aspect or feature of your face (such as your eyes, nose, etc...), just look at the overall image of your face. Now stare at it for a long long time. The longer you look at it the stranger you will look, and the more you will see the reality of what it is to be a "human". When I do this I start to view myself (and the human race) as an alien species.... We really look wierd as fuck. We are incredibly strange looking creatures. This is how I go around the world... earth is like an alien place to me. I think that this is what the Buddhists are referring to as suchness. We are so familiar with our world that it seems normal to us, we have a concept or idea of what everything is. Perhaps it seems normal in an extraordinary way, but normal nevertheless. In reality though, every aspect of our existence is mind-bogglingly strange. I had to stop doing drugs because this is how I view the world sober, and it got to the point that when I would simply smoke weed the strangeness of our existence would just be too much.
That's weird, cuz I actually did this baked the other day, it fuckin blew my mind lol, I always think of humans like you said man. Makes me wonder what aliens look like and what they'd think of us haha.
This is similar to how; when you say a word over and over again, it sounds "weird" Now picture this: the consciousness that animates the physical body is the "I" - but can the eye see the I? Consciousness is intertwined with the physical experience of being a human, but it is not limited to it. Just my 2 cents
Lol I do this all the time. It's really easy to detach from the concepts of the world doing this. Btw you should try looking into a mirror and looking directly at your eyes. Than look away from the mirror and then look back. When you look back look directly into your eyes right away and it will freak you out (in a good way)...You can catch the delay in your eyesight. It's pretty trippy.
Lol.... I've been sober for a while now... this post was a product of my sober mind. Perhaps now you can see why I no longer do drugs. Also I agree with you guys above me. This practice can be employed with anything... just stare at something for a long time without thinking and you will start to see it as it is instead of the way you usually perceive it. budsmokn I just did that....it was pretty wierd lol.
Look into someones eyes for 5 minutes and feel your inner energy fields... it is so amazing your relationship will be... amazing.
The only difference between being high and sober is physiological. Consciousness without an object is trippin' balls in the moment and for eternity. thabosshog, I'd be really curious to hear your thoughts on a paper I wrote. Check your PMs!
I love looking into the mirror, but for a different reason. All day every day, I see how I am as a person, I know me better than anyone. It's just really cool to connect my physical body to my mental self.
That's my problem too, I am strongly considering quitting weed due to this, it just makes me feel out of the loop because all I do is think about this all the time.
Boss you gotta do this! Go in front of the mirror again, open your mouth up really wide. Watch your tongue. Just wow man...things will get really strange. It's harder for me to drop the human illusion by just looking at my body as a whole...but when I stare at something specifically like my eyes or tongue, it gets me every time man. Waoh dude...I literally feel akward writing this. Like idk its all just really crazy.