No. Most of the his cases are related to the big lie so you can wipe those off the table. Same with the documents at Mar-a-lago stuff. The only thing he could still be in trouble for are his business dealings. I bet the NY trial he's going through right now wouldn't have happened if he wasn't potus since he wouldn't have pissed off so many people which lit a fire under the asses of so many attorneys. But who knows. Trumps a notorious scofflaw and braggart so maybe he still would
got to believe Fat Donnie's diaper is smelling even worse these days... George Conway Slams Trump With All-Too-Blunt Prison Prediction
Trump was the architect of the biggest economy in the history of the world. Dementia Joe is destroying it one day at a time. Bidenomics is a huge failure according to most economists who aren't employed by the government.
hey MAGA minions... think your donations are going to his reelection? what a bunch of chumps.... lol.
Trump’s an egomaniac cunt, of that there’s no doubt but and it’s a big but he’s not a warmongering savage like Biden. His crimes if any are basically fiddling his accounts to avoid paying taxes. I’ve done the same myself and see no issue with that. Government squanders money. The less they take from you the less they can squander on quangos and inefficient entities. Unless you are a supporter of needless slaughter of innocent civilians you should vote Trump. Trump 2024
Biden can't walk across the stage without filling his diaper and getting lost. He shouldn't be in charge of a tv remote control let alone the nuclear codes. Anyone who would vote for dementia joe is sick.
Would be the very First case in NY history of being convicted of fraud with zero victims. They also claim that Mar a Lago is worth pennies on the dollar. And that 12 NY Townhouse that he owns are worth a total of $750k, while similar townhouses in the area sell for millions apiece. Let alone a building with 12. Even if the kangaroo court convicts him the very first appeals court it goes to will clear everything. When you hear Trump haters saying this as well as the supporters you might have a problem. Teflon Don will Rise again, free and clear. As Always. If they had anything, anything at all to use against him they already would have. They are left with these worthless, soon to be dismissed cases. One after another.
Hes already be found guilty of Fraud. The trial, was to determine how much he is going to have to pay, and if he is to be banned, from doing business in New York. Hes already found guilty. Mar a Lago was valued at 18-27 Million. tRump had it worth 612 Million. He got tax rates, interest rates, and all kinds of deductions. He also overinflated his net worth, and would have never been able to even get the loans, had he not lied about his wealth. He was overinflating the worth of his properties, to the banks for loans, yet he was undervaluing them, come tax time.. So every person, that was playing by the rules, got screwed. He is also being investigated for this same crime, in Criminal Court, in New York. This is only Civil. IRS is going to come after him too. Criminally. Only way tRump beats the Criminal Cases, is to extend the trials past the election, and to win, the election, so he can have the ATTY General, dismiss all charges. But he cant on the State Charges. Its also telling that his attorney argued in court, that tRump, or Any President can order Seal Team 6 to kill anyone he wishes, and not face criminal charges, after leaving office, unless tried and convicted in the House, and Senate, which means a president could have someone killed 9 months before leaving office, and get a get out of jail free card, because there would not be enough time left to try, and convict, in the House, and Senate. Its a totally no go argument.
Trump did a great job with our economy. A little quote I found on debt... A way to measure how much President Trump added to the debt is to evaluate the ten-year debt impact of the laws and executive orders he signed. We estimate that those added a combined $8.4 trillion to the debt over a ten-year period.
The way the U.S. government carelessly prints and spends money, neither side truly give a shit about the debt. As far as I'm concerned the national debt is total bullshit. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I know, isn't that strange? Being found Guilty BEFORE the trial even starts? How exactly does that work? Here's a clip from CnN, explaining it all.
You havent read New York Law, and this didnt just happen because its tRump, this has been the law for generations. With tRumps charges, and penalties possible. tRumps charges were decided by a JUDGE, and defendant, has no legal right to trial by jury, and they, tRumps Attorneys, also did not ask for any trial by jury. tRumps attorneys failed to mark the required request for jury trial, in the required time frame.. So the Judge, is the one who determined tRump was guilty of fraud, by preponderance of evidence. Thats how NY law works. If someone doesnt like it, thats tough shit, because thats been the law, for GENERATIONS.