Trump Loves Saudi Arabia

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. If paying off debt was as easy as printing money, then why don't we just print 23 trillion dollars and pay off our debt. Lol. Is that trumponomics?
  2. We will eventually print it. There's no way we can pay it otherwise, we have to inflate our way out of debt.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. How many bankruptcies has Trump gone through? The perfect guy for the job.
  4. US bonds + Defense contracts + petrol dollar + oil price manipulation = Every US president since Nixon kissing the Saudi Kings ring (owned).

    I know thats a lot of math for a Trump supporter, but I have faith in you.
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  5. It's too much math, I'm so bad at math I need the numbers or I can't do the math. US much do we owe them? How much do they have in US bonds? Defense contracts is us selling them stuff which means it would be a credit. I don't speak petrodollars, how many dollars is a petrodollar worth? Price manipulation? On our end or theirs? If we produce as much oil as they do how does price manipulation lead to us owing them anything?

    You gave me the formula but even if there were numbers to plug in it wouldn't add up to them owning us. Would you like to retract your statement? FWI Saudi Arabia owns about 170 billion in US bonds. China and Japan hold about 1 trillion making the Saudi holdings chump change. Maybe you were being poetic.
  6. #66 Green Wizard, Oct 20, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    You have a lot of studying to do.

    How Petrodollars Affect The U.S. Dollar

    The Almighty Dollar: Is US Dominance In The Oil Trade Waning As China Begins Using RMB For Payment?

    China will 'compel' Saudi Arabia to trade oil in yuan — and that's going to affect the US dollar

  7. Trump believes the Saudis explanation for the death of Jamal Khashoggi.

    According to the Saudis' explanation, discussions between Khashoggi and those who met him on his arrival at the consulate led to an argument and physical altercation. Those responsible then tried to cover up the death, state TV said.

    Asked whether he thought Saudi Arabia's explanation for the death of Jamal Khashoggi was credible, President Trump said "I do. I do."

    Trump says that he'll work with Congress on the U.S. response to Khashoggi's death but that he'd rather not see billions of dollars in arms sales with the kingdom cancelled because that would cost American hundreds of thousands of jobs.

    Is this what draining the swamp looks like?

    Let's see the Saudis send 18 men to the consulate in Turkey to do the dirty work with the bone saw. 15 of the 19 hijackers in 911 were Saudi citizens. Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia. It's almost like Saudi Arabia can get away with murder. How could this be?

    • Winner Winner x 3
  8. Trump's really gobbling down the Saudi cock now.

    I was prepared to give him a bit of slack here because it's US foreign policy to kiss Saudi ass but I've never seen a US president suck, deep throat and then rim a Saudi Royal before.

    This is a new low.
  9. We should have cut ties with SA years ago. Obama was wrong to approve arms deals and Trump approved even large more deadly weapons deals. Both men have not only stood idly by but actively participated in the slaughter of tens of thousands of people from Yemen. It’s groresque and the fact that we are still selling them weapons, giving them intelligence, and refueling their planes in the air is a testament to how morally bankrupt and corrupt this country is. We would rather enable mass killings than lose a couple billion in arms sales. It’s fucking gross
  10. We don’t have to be the ones enabling mass killings. If Lockheed loses a couple billion in contracts every year so be it.
  11. Trump never said he believes the Saudis. He said the story was credible, just as he said Professor Ford's story was credible. Credible means the story is believable, that it could be true, it doesn't mean it is true. Don't take my word for it, look it up.
  12. The world is enabling Saudi behavior by buying their oil. If we lose thousands of good paying jobs some other country will be gaining thousands of jobs and Saudi behavior isn't effected, it hurts America and accomplishes nothing. That affectionate feeling you'd have toward Trump for cancelling the contracts isn't worth the price.
  13. My reservation about giving the Saudis the finger is they are the major regional power to balance the power of the Iranians. Iran is definitely not open to good relations with America so there's some utility in backing the Saudis. Playing off the Sunni/Shia conflict between those two is definitely a good strategy. The old Ottoman Empire had a longstanding alliance(on and off) with France a few centuries ago, though they had absolutely nothing in common aside from a shared hatred of Habsburgs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I also think there are ways we can move
    Beyond buying Saudi oil but they involve government interventions necessary to do so and not something you would likely support. Additionally it accomplishes a lot in geopolitical relations. Part of why America is hated in the Middle East is because so many of the missiles dropped on the region are either dropped by or manufactured by Americans. I would much rather allow Russians to become the preliminary arms dealers for middle eastern despots because as it stands now we are only giving terrorist geoups more fuel for recruiting and resentment towards the US. I do think that if your job is dependent on murdering innocent civilians than you shouldn’t have that job. I would say that directly to any one of these families that has these jobs at Lockheed as I’ve said to a good friend of mine who actually works for Lockheed. Your thinking on the topic is very short term. There are long term consequences to selling arms in the ME that you aren’t taking into account. Money/jobs should never validate murdering innocent civilians. Call me naive but I think that’s a pretty decent moral principle to hold.
  15. #75 Green Wizard, Oct 21, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2018
    Jesus Christ. I won't take your word for it, I'll take Webster's. Credible. Look it up. Sorry Trump supporter. SAD.


    And you wonder why America is going down the shitter.

  16. Fuck them man. Let's go back to the gold standard (or something similar) and get off the petrol dollar and on to The Green New Deal. Fuck their dessert and their beliefs.
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  17. Hey don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to tell those Wahhabist tribesmen to fuck off, I'm just not sure it's wise to flip the board over this. Because you know if America cuts ties with them then Russia or China will gladly take the Saudis into their sphere of influence.
    • Like Like x 3
  18. So be it. We can be energy independent and have a currency backed by something other than oil. Won't happen over night, but we can do it. We have to.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. i trully dont see why it's any of our business.....AINT THAT A JOB FOR ''INNTERPOL''...that is what they do..

    no-one but the press is making a issue of it..odd this gets more attention than when true american journalist were getting thier heads sawed off...
    its just the latest ploy to try and throw dirt on trump...and as usual the PAWNS fall right in step..

    one day the NEVER TRUMPERS..will actually realize the man is doing the will of the people..and trying to correct unhealty laws that constrict business in this country...

    but they could be but-hurt because no-ones focusing on past sick agendas..such as the L.G.B..T.;;;;;BLACK LIVES MATTER ;;;UNI-SEX BATHROOMS ;;;;GAY MARRIAGE e.t.c.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  20. There are no alternative facts here, the definition of credible is right there in Webster's for all to see. A credible claim is one that may be true, it doesn't mean it is true.

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