Trump haters .... The future of legalized MJ is not gloom and doom.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by The Widow White, May 7, 2017.

  1. With all those pin dots, it's a wonder that there are any Germans left alive.
  2. Sure did a long way off topic went from just informing people to not be afraid because Trump DID NOT demand they defund MMJ, to "praising him for doing nothing" to "immigration" I know that SESSIONS character is an evil soulless bastard, whose GOT to be voted out. Those pin dots aren't all murders or deaths, and well over 90% of all mainstream media is being used to keep us separate, keep us hating each other, keep us sick and barely surviving, because in that fashion the government controls and manipulates the populace into docile compliance, even to violent manipulation. The end result if we don't trade in fear and hate, for love and hope, there will be a militarization of the police and martial law "for our safety." I don't see any other outcome unless WE wake up. Kist mah toosents!
  3. I love trump

    Trumpy trump trump

    Down in my belly

    Down it goes.

    TRUMP FOR 8!
  4. I am neither party, nor any other neat little check box, but as the country was getting more and more laughable, I don't recall anyone NOT giving Prez Obama the "benefit of the doubt," and rioting in the streets...could be just me though.
  5. Trump can spin on a dime. Trump is attacking a senior Senator for not supporting his goal of taking 30+ million off health care. You honestly think he cares about stoners? At least we know where Session stands, it's putting as many cannabis offenders in prison as he can.
    It's not our government that is at fault, it's the corruption that has gained control. Trump promised to drain the swamp and what did he do? He loaded up with Wall St execs, billionaires, oil executives and generals where one was on the take from special interests and not telling anyone that he had become an agent of a foreign government. Even Donald, himself has a Special Council on his ass. I don't see any hint at a peace and love revolution ahead. The possibility of Donald either resigning or being impeached grows. Then we have Brother Pence, if he is not found as an accomplice, him and Sessions are two peas in a pod when it comes to Pot.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. I see and understand the concern. Until he actually DOES something like gunning down detractors, raiding every grower in the US, cutting off ALL aid to the poor, or declaring war on all who oppose, why thrust the country into far worse than it already is, I feel a lot of the same fear, but I've also lived thri over 6 decades of corruption, and so far nobody has goose-stepped down my drive way. Corruption has always existed. It didn't start with nor will it end with our current politicians...the only difference between a high-class call girl and a politician is the call girl will at least quit screwing you when you're dead!
  7. So you're here to complain about complainers? Sure, why not.
  8. No. I don't care for the "status quo" myself. I would be awfully damned hypocritical if I were to "complain about complainers" when I "complain" [vote, petition, legislate, inform or learn] about the things impacting mt life, my family & friends or the Country, my damn self! My observation and comment on MMJ was based not on love, peace, and brotherhood from the government. It is the knowledge of how greedy and corrupt these assholes are, and how much MONEY the capitalistic faux-Big Pharma dispensaries are starting to act like, ASSURES nobodies gonna toss (a trillion?) in R&D, World grants, NASDAQ, NYSE, and local, municipal, county, state and Federal taxes [pouring in from every direction, NOR suffer the "political embarrassment" of failing to overturn Supreme Court precedent, (challenged over a dozen times) that prohibits them from messing with existing Federally regulated (thereby Constitutionally legal and protected) medical programs. not to mention "they" are perfectly aware that the percentage of people opposing prohibition of even recreational weed much less medical, makes opposition to the Volstead Act (umm..."alcohol prohibition" which wa repealed when the Elites made their money and opposition was a squeal compared to the ROAR across the nation today!) I didn't want to get that deep into my reassurance that weed wasn't going away on a NON-POLITICAL marijuana site, that apart from the forums FOR that purpose. Then because the thread was titled "Trump haters...yadda yadda" and I am VERY concerned about the rampant violent attacks that groups (on ALL sides) are being manipulated into are leading to ONE INEVITABLE CONCLUSION. We are going to be led by the hands, like sheep, into the catalyst of that one group of violent extremists (take your pick...they come in all colors and sizes nowadays) that pulls off some friggin horrible sh*t that makes the Hawkish government we have declare a National Emergency "to protect our citizen's safety from these cowardly, evil domestic terrorists, that are out of control;, all over our country"..( least that's how I think Trump would say and then allow FEMA to take over. THEN we're DONE. COOKED. PUT A FORK IN US. With the number of globally collected Special Forces personnel running FEMA and the complete suspension of ALL constitutional protections. My point, was to NOT play into the game with all the violence. If you consider that "complaining about complainers" then you are playing a semantics game. I am going through very severe opiate withdrawals with only OTC symptom stuff, and I am truly not in the mood to plat that game. If, and only if, you demonstrate at least a modicum of rational thought, I will GLADLY listen, and I might even agree with you, or hopefully agree to disagree We are messing with the most lethal military/police industrial complex the world has ever known, like waving a damn tn flag in front of a bull!

    I'm sorry, my friend, I have to go throw up and .having know...alternating sweats n chills, and depression-induced fatigue, too much to be able to reply. No sleep but every time I log in I have to reset passwords and I was q Silver member...dunno what happened. G'nite All...Vin

    "In times of tyrrrany and moral turpitude, the only place for an Honourable Nan, is in prison.". - Henry David Thoreau
  9. Wishing you a fast recovery. Take care.
  10. Sessions Has reintroduced going after the Harshest Sentencing Guidelines vs Obama asked Holder to pursue the least, depending if violence, or a weapon was involved.

    Sessions Has Brought Back Privatized Federal Prisons.

    Sessions can still use, and has said He Is Going to Use the RICO ACT on any Banks doing business with Legal MM States that are complying with State Law.

    tRump has Done 0 about that. He HAD to sign the Hurricane Relief Bill, but has done 000 on things he has control over vs MJ.
  11. #31 WeedCat, Sep 29, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
    You know when you are a kid and you are learning about life? Your teacher and your parents read you children's books that turn out mainly be about evil and good. Pretty black and white, but you have to start somewhere. Well, the evil guy had these qualities in many of the stories.
    Narcissistic, egotistical, delusional, unloyal, pig, smug, selfish, dishonest, incompetent, gold toilets and gold house. .... does this sound like anyone you know?

    Trump is like a character out of a book. I swear I think that's why he backed Luther Strange because of the name alone. Trump lovers are being played. He loves the affection and how you're glorifying him. But daily folks are getting disillusioned with Trump which explains why his popularity polls just keep diving. He's starting to lose his base now.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Hillary Clinton was exposed by WikiLeaks to be in Big Pharmas pocket and against legalization. I'm just glad that lying cunt lost.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. The Democratic Platform has Marijuana Reclassification in the Agenda. What does the Republican Platform Say??

    Hillary "Agreed" to this.

    More Fake News.

    All Demos Argeed to the Democratic Platform to Reclassify Weed to at least SchII.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. If you think Donald Trump and his followers are true Republicans your a fool. Hillary was bought and sold by Big Pharma and many others. Hillary didn't have the Democratic platform in mind, she had money, power, and her donors in mind. Hillary was no good when it comes to cannabis period.
  15. Better than tRump.

    Also you cant say she would be better, or worse, as she isn't in there. All we have to go by is wahts up, Right Now. Hillys ols news anyway.

    tRump/Sessions are the worst case scenario, for weed.

    But I cn guarantee, she would have never put someone like essions as AG, and she would Not Reverse Rorbacher Amendment... Like Sessions is trying to do.
  16. I like how you call him tRump, to me I pronounce it Tee-Rump when I read your posts, and I think that's his rapper name, and imagine him hanging out with Ice-T and Flava-Flav
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. Donald Slump is fitting. I'm surprised Americans don't have a massive country wide revolt underway by now.
  18. I believe hes racist. Fake news or not, you don't need the news media to realize he's a colossal douche, he makes it clear enough on his own doings.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  19. There is no point in fighting with each other over Trump, we all should be instead concentrating on the future of medical marijuana. Its our duty as citizens to keep our government in check, correct them and hold them accountable if they do anything wrong. Cannabis has helped so many young children, adults and senior citizens to reclaim their health and vitality, nothing and no one should stand in that way.
    • Like Like x 3

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