Truffle seeds

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by IhavepurpleAper, May 20, 2021.

  1. Hello, I’ve been searching for weeks now for truffle butter seeds, seeing if anyone might have an idea on where I can find them
  2. Did you now? Really?:rolleyes: I ran "truffle butter" marijuana seeds, and the 2nd place I looked had 5 packs in stock, as did the second, and the 3rd! Of course, the price is steep about $100 - for 5 seeds.

    Granny :wave:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. If I were anybody I’d give these seed banks a piece of my mind. :GettingStoned:
  4. @dobro49 It IS quite ridiculous! A good cannabis plant can produce hundreds of seeds! But, if the kid REALLY wants that particular variety and nothing else will do, he's going to have to pay a lot for it!

    Frankly, I said an unladylike word when I saw those prices. My best advice to ihavepurpleaper is to buy an equally potent variety from a different seed bank for about 1/4 the price!

    Granny :wave:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1

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