Truely a WTF

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by aloooooex, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. #1 aloooooex, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2010

    for 150

    here is what he says

    "The best deal you will find ANYWHERE on a Glycerine Coil Condensor bong..

    This high quality glass on glass water pipe uses the same cutting edge technology as Illadelph, at a fraction of the cost.

    If you go to a smoke shop expect to pay at least $300 for a glycerine coil condensor bong of the same quality, or at least $600 if you want the 'Illadelph' name on it.

    This bong includes four pieces:

    1 beaker bottom core unit

    1 diffused downstem

    1 bowl

    1 detachable glycerine coil condensor neck

    The neck of this bong actually completely comes off, so you can put it in your freezer, and within 15 minutes, the nitro-glycerine inside the coil will fall to a below freezing temperature, leaving the smoke tasting like a cool vapor.

    If you have ever hit a bong like this you know that it is smoother than any percolated bong out there, and the smoothness can only be compared to a digital vaporizer.

    As of now it comes in blue, amber, or clear.

    Message me for wholesale inquiries. "

    i know i cant post links but i hope nobody buys the bong with nitroglycerin in it.
  2. Haha, nice find.
  3. thats what im thinking. its insane hed say it is and its insane there is an illy coil knock off
  4. Looks real to me, the fact that he also put "roor" and "toro" in the title of the listing makes me think he's legit.
  5. i think those come from india. there was a guy on here or TC that bought one and i'm pretty sure it was from india. for $150 its not a bad price but I wonder what the quality is or if you will even get it in the mail.
  6. Nitroglycerin is a primary contact explosive. Meaning that when you drop that tube, if it is actually filled with nitro glycerin, your house will blow up.......

    However 150 for a coil condenser is nice, even if your risking your life every time you touch it. I guess it would add some excitement to any session.

  7. ^ awesome.

    any more info on this ? wtf is it...who makes it?

    wheres a link
  8. I would buy it
  9. its not actually nitro-glycerin. the seller is just a noob and doesn't know his shit he even says he wasn't sure what it was

  10. Yeah i agree with this. Im sure it was just a spelling mistake. No one is stupid enough to put nitro-glycerin in something like that, besides the fact of having access to it and the cost in the first place. :rolleyes:
  11. Maybe he means liquid nitrogen...that's known for falling below freezing temps.
  12. That would be crazy if you dropped a bong and your house exploded...woah

  13. no its liquid glycerin or something along those lines

  14. That's what you get for droppin it.
  15. Yes its glycerin, if the mixture is done right it won't freeze until -40 degrees F and holds the chill very well. Also, liquid nitrogen in a sealed container would be room temperature... and if you put it in the freezer it would lose its chill very quickly.
  16. can someone post or PM me on where to find a condonser tube
  17. Very true
  18. I have an Illy coil knock off that I got for 750$ with a perc chamber. Check my thread for the NL5. Mine was blown locally and does not contain any nitro o_O
  19. I want this. ahahaha
  20. I saw this guy on the knockoff site that is like e b a y....
    I doubt the quality is good, and to be honest it doesnt even look that amazing...
    Someone buy it so we can all know!

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