In other words cannabis helps us "smell the roses" where as other drugs (including alcohol) are about avoiding "the roses". Agree or disagree?
Just realized this soon after I made this thread. Weed helps you appreciate reality here and now but not the future, only because you can't appreciate what hasn't happened yet. Conclusion: Weed helps you appreciate past and present realities but not realities that impact the unknown future.
truthfully i believe weed helps you appreciate life so much more. even the bad or frustrating aspects. OP is right, you definitely can step back and smell the roses. on the other hand other over the counter substances make me feel dull & just fully zoned out. not in a good way either, more along the lines of no thoughts or complete emptiness.
I would say some other drugs are just as good as MJ even though teh ganj is my fav. We cant talk about them so Im not gonna get into details.
Not sure how to embed a youtube video here. But this scene from the Boondocks is pretty accurate. [ame=]Granddad Smoking Weed For The First Time - YouTube[/ame]
[quote name='"travilanche"']Not sure how to embed a youtube video here. But this scene from the Boondocks is pretty accurate. Video Link:[/quote] That episode was just on haha
I'll disagree it depends on what it is but we can't go into detail anyway. But yeah weed really isn't escaping.
I agree to a certain extent. However, there is a certain drug (hopefully some of you will know which one) that, although it distorts reality, it gives you a real love and appreciation for your friends and family. Well, it makes you love everything, but especially friends and family!
Yea I agree with that. If I smoke too much and get into deep thoughts about my life I start getting paranoid and make some of the simplest things freak me out haha
I agree. Marijuana seems to enhance what you're feeling rather than make you feel nothing. If you're feeling good when you smoke then it tends to make you feel really good, but if you're feeling bad when you smoke then it just seems to take the edge off it without really making it go away.
Love the herb, but gotta disagree. You can over-do anything. Negative effects I don't see as being as bad with the ganga. Looking at it another way: my readings, prompted by medical mj and the drug war, make me furious with the status quo. I don't appreciate the status quo in the least.