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Trouble with Plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by juliuserbin, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. Ive got a plant going outside its been doing great so far till recently it slowly started developing these dots and splotches. Not quite sure what it is, however, it seems to be starting from the base of the plant and working its way up because the top area is spotless. I know the plant has a bit of heat stress but if it was really the heat affecting the plant wouldnt the top be just as a bad? Any help would be appreciated!

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  2. "it seems to be starting from the base of the plant and working its way up because the top area is spotless"

    Do the affected leaves first start off with the small yellow "blotches" as in the 1st pic, then eventually turn to an even yellowing/paling of the entire leaf and die off like the ones at the very bottom? If so, she may be having nitrogen deficiency. What kind of soil is that? Are you feeding her anything?
  3. I havent fed her nothing yet shes been running on organic soil with a perlite mix. Im not familiar with nutes and how to to use. You think she needs more nutes in her?
  4. If it's organic soil, then it should have the necessary nutes needed for a healthy grow (I don't know what's in your soil). She looks quite healthy overall, except for those bottom, older affected leaves. I'm just saying that telling from the pics that she may need a bit of nitrogen to help with that. You may need to look into organic nutrients, something that I ain't familiar with. This article here will probably help you understand growing organically better than I can lol. Or perhaps someone else can chime in with a little help on using nutes with organic/super soils.
  5. Thats what I was thinking it should have it all she needs. I think your right tho she could be wanting some more N to get her going sum more. I have some coming in 2 days any recommendation on how much to mix? And do i just mix it with my water then feed?
  6. Hard to say without reading what the bottle recommends. However, I'd start with maybe 1/2 (or less) than the recommended dose. Yes, you mix it in with your next watering.
  7. I get my nutes today so I'll give it a try and see how she likes it :)

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