Hey guys its almost been a week and my beans ain't popped it is getting cold here in nz so am wondering if its that I soaked them in distilled water 24-48 hours and then in moist toilet paper. From the research I read on here I decided to go with the assistant cracking method... First I cracked one fully open and the sprout inside looked white and healthy the other three I cracked the ends with nail clips carefully to reveal the sprout..I did this last night and then wrapped them up inside a black box under a couple lights to keep em warm. But this morning this is no change but they still look white and healthy as if they had germed naturally.. Any hints ? Have two beans left should I start over or wait?
Wait, try putting them in soil if thats what youre growing with. It can take a while sometimes for them to sprout
@indoornewb you were doing fine until you decided to go with assistant cracking??? Nail clippers No Bruh! I just showed someone how I do it see if this helps? Don't break seeds open with clippers. I hope the helps. It's the way I do it! Some people may not do it the same way!!! Just make sure you keep them room temp. Good Luck Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They seem to be OK since I cracked them it was either that or I threw em they are bag seed. I'm gonna wait till the morning and throw em in soil if nothings happened. Should I put them under light or keep them away from light?
Right guys I decided to wing it three are currently in pots covered in cling wrap under 2x 40w CFLs I have an extra 2 lights but I won't be them on just yet .. Fans are off any suggestions
better off soaking in water then going to rockwool root side down, research germination and seedlings using a propagator and rockwool