Its one or the other. Either u get fire or ice on your side. I get ice most of the time. It feels good man. Especially getting outta the shower after lol fuuuuuuuck
That shit sounds sick. Im not having those weird chemicals on my dick. Stick to the normal trojan ultra thins or something ;p
I dunno, I had a box of these and really didn't like them... the burning/cooling only took a few minutes to go away, but it really wasn't a good feeling. Props on needing magnums, illa.. hahaha not that you really had anything to do with that fact I wanted to try lambskin because I heard it feels better... but then I found out they're made of lamb intestines and I really try hard to keep all animal innards out of my sexytime
I don't know why but I just think of how painful it'd be for me to be in a predicament where my junk is straight up on fire or freezing.. they can't work too good can they??