Trippy shit

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by #bitchimtheshit, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. DUUDDEE intense just browsed it
    Think its true? or a publicity stunt?
  2. been reading.. still reading..
  3. I think it's gotta be true man
  4. Bro that shit is insane and the crazy thing if you think behind all his reasoning it makes sense..
    not saying id do it i value life tooo much
    but he is insane
  5. if i was 60 and felt like shit i'd off myself, but I dont think im going to feel like shit. Who knows i might get hit by a car tomorrow 
    i will say it was sad to see this mainstream american guy saying things like how he feared "terrorists getting their hands on nukes"
    the united states already has them fool 
  6. Yea reading his reasoning he makes sense. If you look at it with an open mind you can see where he's coming from, but again I don't see how anyone can kill theirselves when they say they aren't depressed or anything like that

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