Since the semester started, I noticed that I like to sit on the ground when I smoke. Try it, it's relaxing, and you feel more "connected" with the herb and the people around you if applicable. I can recall one of the best times I had getting high was this summer with my buddy. We went to this girls house (he knew her, I didn't). When we got there, there was 4 or 5 other people there who were all really chill, but I only knew one other person. Anyway, after we arrived, they sparked a blunt and put on some awesome music (black moth super rainbow). The girl whose house we were at decided it would be cool for all of us to go in her closet and hotbox it (she has a big closet). I had a great time chillin and smoking with these cool people that I had just met in that closet. My closet in my apartment is a decent size (enough to fit 5 people semi-comfortably) and I want to "trip it out" if you know what I mean. So what do you think I should add to it? My vape will be in there, for sure, and I was thinking about getting a poster or 2 and a lava lamp or something related. Thoughts? I'll post before and after pictures when I get the chance.
haha, i always prefer to sit on the ground when toking! especially in a circle with friends, got to love that communal stoner feeling