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tripping over the smell?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by -aCe-, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. wassup guys, as anyone here ever tripped over the smell after their sesh. Like it doesn't have to be at home even outside when you gotta do something or run into some one.

    Maybe its the sativa i hv been burning past few days but who else gets this shit?
  2. Yeah i do not even notice i smell after i smoke. I just try to cover it up with something if i will be going to a public place.

    Usally not a big deal.
  3. [​IMG]hehehee, i'v been waiting to use this
  4. Yea I sometimes worry if people can smell me, but i always carry spray deo and listerine in my car so even though i worry, i doubt people actually smell me.
  5. I just do the schoolboy favourite of spraying myself with bodyspray if I have to go out and I have weed on me. If I don't have anything fuck it, police can't do shit but waste their time searching me coz I stink while someone else is walking home with a fat sack n no police in sight. It's a public service I shud get payed for it.
  6. I don't really care. It keeps the uninformed "Above the Influence" kiddies at their distance. Like the pheromones given off by bees, those interest come forth, those who aren't stay away...
  7. ya it had concerned before that my smell receptors were clogged and i couldn't tell, but either do something about it and don't worry about it, or don't do anything about it and don't worry, the key thing being don't worry

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