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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by DoblazE, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. were laughing about everything and the colours are everywhere hahahahha
  2. smoke a bowl, go hiking man. its only 1:10 at night... atleast here i am.
  3. ahahah its 10:16pm and were tripping out about everything hahahahha
  4. what did you dose man?
  5. Ah, sounds like a great time.

    what did you guys take?
  6. JEALOUS but I've taken 20mg hydrocod and may up that to 30mg plus I just picked up a proverbial dickload of ecstasy so what's my problem.

    You go enjoy. Have fun. Enjoy your youth. When you're 25 like me you'll regret not doing what you're doing more. Live it up.
  7. f*ckin drugees get real
  8. gtfo plz. fag
  9. #9 DoblazE, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2009
    I know I'm really happy about shit rofl. I'm gonna watch anime
  10. This is teh real DoblazE shiiiiit. Trippin' hard maynes.... lol ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lolwut colorssss
  11. DOBLAZE!

    Whats up dog

    Got some hydrocodone form my mom for my withdrawls. Got AIM bud?
  12. No i do have aim but my friend is watching anime hahahaha
  13. YES
  14. Wowwww on 420chan and 4chan there being assholes fucking with our heads hahahahaha.
  15. loooool.
    Want to go on AIM for a sec?
  16. You do not exist.
  17. haha, i read this after i made my post lolololol
  18. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  19. El oh el. this kid is fucked up.
  20. is it me or im crazy i wanna go on a walk around the park..?

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