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Tripping mad dick when I smoke weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ChronicBrew, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. So my friend offered to smoke me out, how could i pass up free bud, right? There is a small run off drain in the middle of a local park we hopped down into (as we have done so often before) so it's me 2 of my friends, one of my friends brother, and some other kid. I didn't check the bowl (you can see where this is going) in fact didn't pay much attention to it at all. After taking a hit i was encouraged to hold it in, i obviously didn't reject why would I? I noticed it tasted funny but they passed it around and i was already off my ass (unusual to say the least) I had one more toke and then climbed out. I felt the hole shrink as if it were some sort of cartoon where i was climbing out of a small tube and returning to normal size, then BAM! all of a sudden i am tripping mad dick everything went HD and i felt like i was in minecraft. Everything felt wierd and i felt like i was in another place. While i was walking home I felt like i was in a video game and my view switched to third person. I was watching myself walk! I got home sat down and started eating, I felt like i wasn't even in reality like i was in "limbo" for lack of better words or I wasn't even in my normal world anymore but every now and again I could see normally. When I was high I experienced not being able to disinguish what was real I would think about me freaking out and telling my parents i was high and i was scared and i would fade into a world where that was happening and i would come back out and into my world then again i would transition. And in the middle of transitioning to these alernate realitys i was having an out of body experience watching mysefl from the corner of what ever room i was in. Anyways i didn't know it was spice but i got over it and everything turned normal the next day.
                 So I got a 40 just yesterday and sat down with a few friends to smoke a bowl, I took one nice long hit (yes this was actually weed I double, triple checked) and i was feeling it i let them pass it back and forth because i didn't want to go home uber high, and then all of a sudden i start tripping off one hit just like i did on spice and this trip was even worse! i didn't know what reality i was in! i was fading between three different scenerios; real life, one where i was huddle in a corner scared and one where i was in the hospital with a extreme fever. I really hate these trips and just want to go back to the way my highs use to be, smoking isn't even fun anymore. I have come down but i notice when i focus on things i fade out of the real world. any suggestions?

  2. #2 okiuisdgf, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
    weird shit.
  3. Yea man, it was very panic attacky too my heart was racing and I just said fuck it and tried to sleep it off. It worked some what.
  4. proboably laced with something
  5. Kids stay away from drugs! :(
    ..just give it to me, ill despose of it safely
  6. if you're triple checking your bud to make sure it's actual bud, It HAS to be laced man. confront your connection.
  7. you obviously paniced the fuck out over nothing, due to low bloodsugar or shit
    and what is it with this semi homo-erotic terms?
    tripping mad ..dick
    getting ..smoked out
    you and your friends went in ..some hole
    and after shit returned to ..normale size,
    you got out of ..the hole
    then you go on about some dark corner of the room and your body..
    use protection & stay safe!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. lmao hahahah took it to a whole nother level.
  9. I trust my hook up, I don't think it's laced. My friends bought some from him too and they said it was some really good shit. Could it really just be some seriously dank bud i can't handle? I mean i have been smoking for over 2 years and to trip off one hit is wierd. Everything tasted normal and at first the high was normal too.
  10. Maybe the second time it was bud with spice? I've tried spice before and both the trips you described sounds like a spice trip. That shit makes you trip HARD! I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you're in a cartoon lol thats exactly how I described it the first time I smoked spice. What did you smoke out of? Did you pack the bowl or roll the j yourself? If not your friends could've threw some spice in it again and didn't tell you.
    Now if it was just weed then maybe it was really dank and you weren't used to it. If it was spice then don't smoke that shit again. If it was just bud then try to relax next time and do something you enjoy to keep you from panicking 
  11. I take it you don't smoke weed a lot.  When I first starting smoking weed, weird shit like this would happen to me too.  I can remember a time when I thought my friend was fading in and out of a wall, like he was a ghost and he just kept going in and out of a wall. 
  12. That's weird. 
    Thread title had me rolling.
  13. You say you trust your connection, I wouldn't. Something sounds real shady about this situation. You say this is the 2nd time you've smoked that this has happened? Either something is up with your body/mind or its the weed. You need to find another source, and find out if it IS just your mind that's having trouble dealing with the high.
    You're sure that none of this is happening to your friends when they smoke with you? Sounds to me, that something has happened to you within the last month or so, that has made your mind/body unable to process the high as usual, so now you go all paranoid "tripping out". I'm no doctor, but I'd look into it, seriously. You mentioned spice, when is the last time you smoked that stuff? That shit affects everybody differently, and can be deadly to some. For me, spice/K2 skyrocketed my actual THC/Marijuana tolerance, it took several months before I could actually get high on real bud again.
    I'm hoping you're not currently smoking that shit, if you are, that's probably the cause of what is going on with you.
  14. dont trip on dick dude
  15. I remember when I was a underager here in Scotland a few years ago we had one `friend` who was over 18 and when we went to a headshop to get papers and such,
    anyway this `friend` ended up convincing me and a couple other younger impressionable kids to smoke this bag of fake weed called `Toxic Waste` just from the name I should have been able to say fuck that shit.

    We all sat in a alley and processed to roll three fat joints of this stuff and smoke away.. After a few hits I felt like I was melting into the floor but continued to smoke the three kingsized joints and by the end I thought I was going to die man.
    Stay away from that shit it made me paranoid for ageeees after

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  16. I am not smoking it, I didn't check the bowl one time and ended up smoking it a month or 2 ago
  17. Did anyone else laugh while they were reading the first paragraph?
  18. got high as fuck. It happens. It's more common with synthetics, but it certainly happens with just marijuana as well. Obviously it's more common with really dank weed, and in uncomfortable situations, but it can just happen randomly too. I've seen plenty of people have full-on psychotic episodes and/or panic attacks strictly from weed.
    Often these experiences will sorta "color" your next few highs because you're remembering how you felt at the time and dipping your toes in that same mindset that made you trip out. Mindset has so much to do with the way that you experience a drug (or anything) - if you're going into the experience full of anxiety from your last high, then you're already starting off on the wrong foot and setting yourself up for a bad time.  
    With that said, if you're having experiences like this from cannabinoids alone (whether synthetic or naturally-occurring,) and not enjoying them, you'll probably want to start treading rather lightly for awhile...

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