Trimming Devices

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Euphoric Toker, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I'm not sure if this should go in this section, please move if it shouldn't.

    So I want to get a good trimming device for my first outdoor grow this year, and I really liked the idea of the Fiskars Cuts+More(Cuts+More). It has a detachable knife and can do other things too. But what I hear is most people like using precision pruners. This is what my hydro shop has.
    (Hydrofarm - Hydrofarm HGPP400 Precision Pruner)

    What is your favorite trimming device?
  2. I have a pair of coronas that I got from lowes and I have a pair of fishers micro tips, nothin beats the micro tips IMO
  3. i have 3 pairs of the friskar precision trimmers. super nice cuts, just clean em when they get gunked up with all that scissor hash:)

    lowes or home depot should have them fosho
  4. i personally love the ones you posted a link to!

    they work wonderfully.

    the blades on those are angled instead of flat, so that helps when cutting through bigger stuff.

    the fiskars are not like that
  5. I use a 5.00$ pair of hair cutting scissors. They are precise and extremely sharp. Gets the job done.

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