What do you guys think a cool way to make your bong just a little cooler would be? I have all glass 8 inch water bong.
Well i would like an ash catcher and I was thinking about getting a nicer slide I was just curious if there's any new like really cool attachments
I got tons of different slides and percs but I rarely use them I thought they were cool at first but its just a big hassle and you can find percs for 40 on up depending on how crazy you want to get.
i got add on percs and a double ash catcher for my medicali that already had an in-line perc and showerhead perc. best tasting hits other than joints
It doesn't look like a standard size joint, so you might have trouble finding ash catchers and things that fit. I would say don't buy anything else for it, just save that money you would have spent to get an upgrade a little way down the road.
Yeah that's not a standard GONG slide or bowl. Cheapo Chinese jobber. Save your money for weed to smoketh.
I would save my money and buy bud. But if you do want to buy additions, make sure you buy them because they are functional and not because they look cool.
Yeah I'm probably gonna do that but this bong is just boring I mean it hits okay I guess maybe I'll just get a nice slide instead of the one that came with it.
The only slide your gonna find is maybe a diffused down stem. That is worth the 15 bucks just to make it a bit smoother, and much harder to accidentally take a big ol' mouth full of nasty bong water. Other than that. Save your cash.
Put a diffuser in it. That's like upgrading an engine on a car. It's not very noticeable but it makes a difference. Percs and stuff are like adding body kits and spoilers
A friend of mine has a tree perc bong and I could not notice much of a difference at all except for more drag. Diffuser with ice pinches is hard to beat. Add a carbon filter if you want it to be even smoother. Much of the stuff beyond that is just to get people to buy a new piece. But they do look great!