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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dwaymich, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. My question is this. When I'm looking at my tricoms I can tell there's a fair amount of them that are cloudy or milky looking. I know that's telling me they're ready for harvest. But I look at the other trichomes and they look kind of translucent but the head of the mushroom is a little cloudy white. Do I count that towards the 80% of trichomes that are cloudy for harvest. I'm trying to pick at the right time. 80% Milky and 20% more clear or translucent? I hope my question makes sense
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  2. see them like apples on a tree not all apples turn red at once, all the more reason to rotate your plants
    sequential harvesting may expose the lower trics to some UV to enhance the ripening

    good luck
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. trichomes are not the only factor in harvest when the white hairs recede and the calyx swell up is another factor my last harvest went 10 weeks until i saw any amber do you have a picture of the plant?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I don't have a picture of the plants cuz I just harvested them. I was just more worried about the trichomes. I don't go just by trichomes a lot either. I'll look at the swelling of the buds and when they're ready. Do the trichomes with just a cloudy head on them is that considered cloudy since the whole stem is not cloudy. Thank you
  5. To me amber is the decline. I don't like to see amber. I just read another guys tale on triches. He states that the posture of the trich should be considered. As the head swells and enlarges it starts to lean. His claim is that this is the beginning of decline in potency and flavor.

    Just a theory I've read to pass on. Whats you take on it?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. To add to what I've shared. I often notice growers say, the smell disappeared. Letting amber in seems to contribute to that from what I've seen and experienced. It's a short window if your a amber guy or girl. Pick it at the proper time or you loose aroma, taste, and potency.

    Just my opinion.
  7. Thank you for your help
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  8. Thank you very much
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  9. I've got some help on the tricoms but when I'm talking about Amber I mean the pistols on the bud. I've always been told that it should be close if it's 50% red hairs and 50% white
  10. As far as the Amber trichomes I understand about them starting to lose potency. But I'm wondering about the buds itself. I've kind of been told a general guideline is 50% red pistols and 50% white. Does that sound correct
  11. Ya need a scope to be correct...judging the way you described can be 50/50 good or not ready bud. Would be a bummer to loose all that time and effort when a simple scope would give you a much better reading on bud maturity
  12. I have a 60 powered Jewelers loop and I also have one that's digital that sends a picture to my phone
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  13. Thanks for your input green monster lol
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  14. Your welcome, there's a ton of info out there on trich harvest windows. It's all up to your preference.
  15. Don't make yourself crazy looking at trichs imo, some trichs may "never" get a full orange color in the time you are willing to wait for them.
  16. I don't want any of my trichomes to be Amber color. I was just talking about the pistols on the bud
    • Informative Informative x 1

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