
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by beelovestrees, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. So my plants are about 110 days old and are in there 3rd week of flowering and the pistils and flowers are flooding with trichomes. They are milky or white.. does this mean what im doing is working? Lol also one of my plants leaves look like its been nibbled on but i dont see any bugs.. will the ferts help with that once i get some?? Please help me!

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  2. It could be PM. Post a picture

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  3. Pm? I cant get a good pic of the lil nibbles i can try my cameras only 3.5 mp i will read up on pm thank you

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  4. Its only on one leaf on one plant so i dont know if its bugs but than again i dont really know either way. You can barely see it :/

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  5. Powdery mildew is PM.. so yea the pic is pretty bad. I cant tell whats going on with them. Post your question over in sick plants and fill out the sick plant questioner

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  6. It could be just trich and not PM.

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  7. cant really see it but it just looks like a hole..could be a ph issue im still not totally sure what causes them...i get them sometimes with no ill effect
  8. 3mp should be good enough. It's more about the quality of the lens and processor. The problem with your picture is the point of focus. The point you're trying to show is blurred, while other leaves shown below - farther away from the lens- is sharp and clear. Many point and shoot cameras don't offer any means of manual focus, making the task difficult. Sometimes it helps to stand farther back and zoom in to the spot you want to show. Hope this helps.
  9. I dont even have a zoom on it. :/ I will try tonight to take it further away with more light directly on the plant and see if you guys can see it better. Right now they are sleepin.

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  10. Looks a little early in flower to be showing fully developed milky trichomes. I hope you don't have any plans on chopping her soon? Has at least 20 days....

    knives heated dull red
    release sweet smoky nectar
    I am lifted high
  11. Noooo i figured it has 4 or 5 weeks thats about 20 days. No plans to chop her down yet just plans to get fertilizer and better lights (2700 k) so they have a better chance. Right now i have no fertilizer though they havent had any fertilizer their whole life :/

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  12. Do you have a cat? My cat Nibbles on the lowers leaves, to get his veggies.
    It isn't bad for him, or the plants.

    Definitely not insects.

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  13. Nope no kitties here. Thats cute thoo :)

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  14. Powdery mildew would cover every leaf equally, not just the flower part. The whiteness is just how that strain grows/looks.

    110 days old? You could've grown and harvested it by now.….

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  15. Yes well i waited till they were 12 inches to put them into flowering. But as you can see theres not much there when it comes to flowers. The white things im seeing are all over the flowers. Kinda like crystals. I wish i had a better camera so i could show you what im talking about. My leaves dont have anything but fuzz on them

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  16. I may be a noob but I'm pretty sure every strain has different maturation times. The 60 days is just a general guideline... what you're supposed to watch for is the color of the trichromes.

    Maturation time also depends on environmental factors... a plant under 24/0 during veg will grow bigger and faster (Ed Rosenthal, not my words). Also, if you're using CFLs only, that's less light penetration thus longer maturation time. Also, flowering does not have to be 12/12... otherwise cannabis couldn't flower until September when days and nights are about equal length.

    The 12/12 is just a general rule which I won't be following on my next grow... I'll start from 14 / 10 and work my way down to 12 / 12 to keep the light cycle more natural -- 17% extra growth during flowering as opposed to 12/12 (again, Ed, not me).

    Watch your plant, that's the best way to know when to harvest... the # of days should only be used as a general guideline. 110 days in flower does seem pretty long though, wonder what strain it is.
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  17. Beelovestrees said they are in third week of flowering,
    and it took that long to get them 12 inches high.

    Bee has nothing to worry about, just wait, water but not too much, and fertilize a little bit every 2nd or 3rd watering.

    Kanvict has good advice.
    Sometimes, its also good to reduce light period in last few weeks too - like 11 1/2 hours ( like in week 6), then 11hours wk 7, then 10 1/2,
    I found that helps wind them down, if you want to finish them, especially if they are long flowering.

    If you can get one, one of those magnifiers (with a light) will help you see the trichomes (resin), if not you can try harvest some at week 8, some at week 9, etc. Just label every thing. Experiment. Have fun. See if you notice a difference with an extra week or 2. Or with one plant fertilized with brand x, one not.
    That's another reason why growing is so great - testing your experiments.

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  18. Okay great advice thank you both so much. Im pretty sure they are indica but than again i guess i wont ever know lol i have a simple black pocket magnifier with a bluish light thats how im seeing what looks like trichomes. I will try that thank you again :)

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  19. Also is it okay to folier feed them with water? Ive been doin it lately doesnt seem to hurt them

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