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Trichomes? General questions, not growing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Liqweed, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I was just wondering about trichomes, I got some really nice frosty no name dank and I was just observing it under a magnifying glass. So clear trichomes wont get you very high right? it has to cure longer or something correct?
    And what about cloudy vs amber colored ones. Is one like sativa, and the other is indica? I thought that was dependent upon the plants genetics and not really related to curing time or something.
    just curious
  2. The trichome color has nothing to do with the strain (i.e. Both Sativas and Indicas can have amber, cloudy or clear trichomes).

    Clear trichomes are not as potent as cloudy or amber trichomes. A cloudy trichome is supposed to give you a more energetic high, while amber is supposed to give you more of a couchlock high. Unfortunately for you, trichomes stop growing/changing color when harvested, so no amount of curing time is going to change them from the clear color. It is up to the grower to determine when to harvest (somewhere around 50:50 amber:cloudy is pretty common, although it varies).
  3. think of the trichome like an empty gelcap, all it is is a shell. The appearance of many trichomes doesnt necesarily indicate potency. you want the trichome to fill up with the active ingredient before harvesting. When you see it is cloudy inside the trichome you know its being filled with cannabinoids and thats what we are after
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  4. Strain is one factor in determining the characteristics of sativa vs indica. The potency is in the numbers of trichs and the ripeness of those trichs. You are correct about cloudy tichs containing more THC and less CBD resulting in a sativa characteristics. The amber contributes to the indica effects as it contains more of the CBD.:smoke:
  5. Clear trichomes arn't yet at their full potency, however cloudy trichomes are full of active THC, what we want. When they start to turn amber the THC is breaking down into more CBD which is responsible for many of the body high effects and lethargic effects. Indica strains are just naturally higher in CBD than Sativa strains, this is part of the reason they effect us differently than Sativa strains. Of course it is possible to attempt to breed/grow an Indica that has high THC and lower CBD and etc. Or grow a high THC Sativa out long enough to start getting a number of amber trichs, thus turning a lot of that THC in a higher CBD Sativa. Mind-boggling.
  6. Strain is one factor in determining the characteristics of sativa vs indica. The potency is in the numbers of trichs and the ripeness of those trichs. You are correct about cloudy tichs containing more THC and less CBD resulting in a sativa characteristics. The amber contributes to the indica effects as it contains more of the CBD.:smoke:

    The three stages of a ripening trichome is: Clear-> Cloudy-> Amber
  7. 5 years later, I know. But you don't know shit about cannabis.
    THC turns into CBN, not CBD.
    If you don't know the facts, better don't comment.
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