Traveling to WY for vacation. Need input.

Discussion in 'General' started by wolfman5874, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Ok, I'm flying to WY with a friend for vacation. Doing some white-water rafting, horseback riding, hiking the Great Tetons, fly-fishing and camping.

    I plan on buying a half O and making some edibles to take on the plane. They will be in my bag that will go in cargo, not carry on. One of my ideas was to buy some type of cookies at the store and replacing them with the edibles while keeping some of the original cookes in the container.

    Or instead of edibles, buy a small container of coffee and placing the weed at the very bottom and throwing the coffee back on top of the weed. That way it would mask the smell.

    I'm still thinking of other ways. Share your techniques if you have any. I leave Sunday. Scared to death of flying too. Fuck.
  2. mail it out to where you are staying. bud don't risk bringing bud on a plane. edibles would work but not bud
  3. Yea a buddy of mine told me the same thing. Just want some suggestions from the board. I'll probably end up doing that. Could say I forgot my camera.
  4. Good god do people never learn? You DO NOT bring illegal drugs on an airplane! How fucking hard is it to understand that?
  5. Are you insane?
  6. I got an alternative.. just go without for a week and actually enjoy yourself. Is it that big of a deal?

    By the way, I'm pretty sure a highly trained dog can tell the difference between coffee and cannabis.. Just sayin'

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