Transporting large amounts of soil by foot?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sickleg, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, this will be my first season growing (extremely excited) and I do have one question looming in my mind. How in the world am I going to get all of this soil back to my spots? It is about a .9 mile walk from my front door out to my area I am scoping out and I have to bring roughly a yard of compost out there.

    My current idea is to buy a large backpack (heres a great one I found online for CHEAP! Olive Drab - Korean Army Surplus 2-Strap Nylon Duffle Bag, Used: Clothing) and a pack of black trash bags. I'll put the trash bag in the pack and then fill the bag up with a shovel. According to my calculations, this pack will be able to hole about 6 cubic feet of soil and it will be HEAVY (probably over 200 lbs).

    Anyone have a better suggestion? thanks
  2. You ever packed 200 lbs of dirt around? I'd take more trips, but that's me. What's wrong with the dirt you have in your grow spots? Maybe just add compost, nutrients, lime, sand, etc. and make the area suitable. It might be more feasible for you.
  3. Ok, maybe not 200 pounds, that was just the amount i estimated my pack could hold. Probably more in the range of 160.

    The soil is clay out here, so i HAVE to bring this compost in.

    You've never done a guerilla grow have you?
  4. id use a wheelbarrel just move it at night! Stay stealthy my friend!
  5. a wagon with large wheels... they make an off road kind

    make a shoulder harness with a pole across the shoulder and hang baskets off both ends

    send a plane over the grow area and dump the dirt in large sacks

    pay the mexicans at home depot to bring it for you

    put the dirt in your pockets like in shawshank redemption one hand full at a time

    this is all i have for now... ill get back to you
  6. Yeah, because a bunch of impoverished unemployed illegals are the first people I want to know where my op is...

    I still think I'm gonna go with the large backpack idea, guys. A wheelbarrow or a cart are just not practical for going through thick woods I can't understand why you guys think that is a practical idea... Also much more costly than a 20$ duffel-backpack
  7. If you have a friend you trust, i would ask him for help.
    I used to transport my water with two 2X4's over each shoulder with my friend and i
    and we would carry 25 gallons of water easily. I can imagine what you could do with some
    soil also.

  8. Sorry bro you should have been more specific..i would say a backpack will do just fine. You still have time before planting. So just bring it a lil at a time toke up before you go you will be one with far as getting a friend to help you, make DAMN sure they can be trusted nothin worse then gettin your precious babys ripped right out from under your nose! Good luck on the grow my friend!
  9. I like this idea. I think it is a winner and I never thought about it before.

    I plan on doing 10 100 gal smart pots in a location where you cannot use anything with wheels to access the particular spot. I figure I could put 120 lbs in the pack at a time (40 gal, 40 gal x 30 lbs per 10gal= 120). So I would only need to make 25 trips and would be able to keep the brush intact much better than if I were to use a wheelbarrow.
  10. It sounds like a good plan, and I'm rooting for you; I just think you're being overly optimistic. 10 100 gallon pots= ~10000lbs of dirt.

    Google yields me that dirt weighs at least 2000 lbs per cubic yard. 7.48 gallons per cubic foot, 27 cubic feet per cubic yard= 9.9 lbs per gallon of dirt. Keep in mind, this is for fairly loose, dry soil.

    Dat's a lotta dirt!

  11. I reckon it's more like 1000-1300lbs/yrd for soil and google tells me 800-1000lbs for compost.
  12. I'm going by what the weight is for 10 gal bag of fox farm potting soil, which is 30 lbs (I will be using potting soil in my smartpots). My math is as follows:

    100 gal x 10 pots = 1000 gal / 10 gal = 100 x 30 lbs = 3000 lbs / 120 lbs= 25 trips
  13. DO NOT move 160 pounds of soil in a wheel-barrel through the forest at night lmfao. That'd be one of hell of a story.

    I'd say do 2 trips. Breaks in between. I think that would save you from INTENSE labor lol.
  14. I'll be using a backpack. I've been training by squatting 3-4 x a week. I will be travelling a distance of 800 feet. I am going to try to do 13 trips one night, 12 trips the 2nd night. I figure each trip will take 30 minutes. 30 min x 13 trips= 390 minutes / 60 minutes = ~6.5 hrs.

    I figure I slave away for two nights and reap massive rewards for that labor.
  15. Jesus. Good luck bro. The rewards will be staggering.:smoke: Im talking pounds.
  16. Question; how far is it REALLY? Because moving a ton of dirt .9 miles is a monolithic task, whereas 800 feet is a little more realistic...
  17. For me, 800 feet.
  18. Thanks man. I was thinking of doing a journal, but I am nervous about any remote possibility of someone finding my spot...
  19. It is .9 miles from my fron door. about 1200ft down the road and then the rest is down a logging trail and another 1500 feet off the trail by a pond in a clearcut.

    This place is state land and gets heavily hunted, so I have to put it farther out than even the hunters are willing to go.

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