
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Puffpuffsunny1, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Is it best to gradual go up a size in pots until you get ready to flower? Or is it best to go from a little pot to what you will finish in?
  2. #2 istaylit5, Dec 9, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
    go from seed starter, to red cups, to final size pot
  3. I think most people have at least 3 pot sizes a plant spends it's life in. A very common post around here is when someone posts a picture of what looks like a seedling in a 10 gallon pot. They're wondering why it's growing so slow. Most people theorize that if you put them in a large pot too soon they will work too much on root development and it will slow down overall growth.

    Keep your plant in an appropriate size container and transplant when you see that it's probably root bound. Don't transplant after switching to 12/12. It's not ideal. I go from coffee cup size to about 1 gallon and finish in 5 gallon.
  4. See I highly disagree. First of all plants are more intelligent then us. We think slowly moving them will allow the plant time to build better root mass and veg faster then move it to the bigger pot as she needs. Yet this is wrong. It works yes don't get me wrong but is it the best for the plant no. How quick does a seed pop and sprout a root system it takes days. U cannot judge a plant and say it's gonna grow slow from a pic some dude posted plus I'm sure when the plant caught up and went good he wasn't gonna take the time to update the good news. When u transplant a plant it measures the new space and adapts to it. What does this mean if u put the plant in a 3 gal to later move to a 5 she's gonna get more shock than if u go from cups to 10 gal. Roots grow way fast she may seem like she stunts for the fiRst couple days but she will build the roots wayy fast where it won't really affect ur time frame much plus once she has the root system in place she will develope a stem thick enough for a 10 gal house instead of one for a 3 gal pot she think she's gonna stay in. This means she will drink more nutrients and will grow faster once she's adapted to her 10 gal home. She will also grow fatter and bigger nugs plant height is controllled by topping so don't let people scare u saying they'll get too big that bs plus they have nutrients to stunt them if u must
  5. It's not what I believe. I said some people think that. I sort of disagree too. When you plant a plant outside does it grow slow because it has the whole earth to spread roots to?

    There's many myths in growing. One of them is bigger pot bigger plant. That's really not 100% true. There's several commercial grow ops that are proving that wrong growing large 4+ foot tall plants with good yields from nothing but 6" rockwool cubes in drip systems. The biggest benefit I've seen from large pots is you have to water less. Of course you can grow a huge plant in a huge pot but you usually have to veg it longer and in that time you could have grown more smaller plants. Its a trade off.
  6. Yeah I can say from experience, I went from small 4"pot to 5 gallon bucket, and I never really noticed much of a slow down in growth. Also just put some clones from a cup to 5 gallon bucket 2 weeks ago, and they are huge now didn't slow down a bit. Does make me a bit skeptical about transplanting in increments.
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