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Transplanting question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SuperSlowMo, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. My friend Tony has 3 clones that hes about to transplant into 8"(20cm) pots. He has some Bat Guano High Nitrogen 10-2-1. When do you use this stuff and how much/how often do you use? I know it has directions but we assume those are for legal plants lol. Also does he need any phosphorus or any other elements?
  2. Bump! Someone please help!
  3. We can't know if those nutrients will be enough without knowing the strain, etc., you're just going to have to keep an eye on them for nute deficiencies. There is phosphorous in the bat guano you mentioned (10-2-1 means 10 parts nitrogen to two parts phosphorous to one part potassium). Whether or not that's enough for your plant is another question we can't answer for you.

    As for when to use the bat guano, without knowing the age of the plants it's hard to say. Younger plants tend not to handle nutes so well, in which case you'd want to hold off.

    The plant being illegal doesn't change how it uses nutrients, but I'd suggest starting at no more than once a week with the guano (whenever you decide to start using it) just to start out, and then you can gauge your plants' reactions to it as you go.
  4. I've been slowly learning more and more for my friend cuz he doesnt have internet and I want him to have some super dank. The strain is Medusa. He wasn't watering enough and nearly lost them but the transplant went on sucessfully so far. I'm not sure how ol they are maybe a week or two but they were big clippings from their mother. He is holding off on the poop for another two days or so. thanks for the response.
  5. Oh yeah, I knew what 10-2-1 stood for. but I +rep
  6. No problem, but I'd suggest holding off on the guano for a while longer. Give them at least 2 weeks or so, because clones can be fragile. Nute burn is hard to fix!

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