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Transplanting autos in preflower

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ChoochZooze, May 24, 2023.

  1. I’ve been more focused on my photoperiod plants that I neglected to up-pot my autos and now they’re in preflower in 1 gallon pots I hear autos were quick but dang! These little guys are only about a foot tall!
    I was wondering if they would benefit at all from a bigger pot? Or did I miss my window of opportunity and maybe shouldn’t risk extra stress on the roots?
    In the future I’ll definitely just put the germinated seeds right in their forever pot.
    Thanks in advance! I don’t post much on here because there’s so much amazing info here on GC that most of the time you all answer my questions and then some!
  2. Yes they'd benefit
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Would transplanting to a 5 gallon be worth it or could I maybe get away with 3 gallons? I know that the more space they have the better, but these are autos and they vegged for 6 weeks so I’m assuming they’ll flower for 6ish weeks before they’re done.
    I’d rather not have to get more soil than I absolutely need because all my photoperiods are headed for 10 gallon pots
    The autos are just so I have something to smoke before the real harvest, that way I can be patient and not rush the others
  4. Not transplanting autos is a bro science myth.
    3 gallon would be fine.
    Do autos have a pre-flower stage? I think not.
  5. Good to know! Definitely want to avoid the bro science!
    The best part about the internet is that there’s so much information, unfortunately that’s also the worst part
    And I guess by preflower I just meant the very very beginning of flowering

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