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Transplant damage , is it a lost cause ?(outdoor in Canada)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ktmitch, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. IMG_20190711_174159.jpg
    My plant was under a lot of environmental and transport stress, however it doesn't look like it's giving up. My question is , should I cut off some of the dieing parts?

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  2. Did you literally just transplant it? Did you water it in well? If yes, LITFA for a while until it shows strong signs of recovery. Just my 2¢. Good luck!
  3. Water it, keep out of direct sunlight. Get ambient light, not to much until she straightens up
  4. Root Rot its a fungi infection too late for this lil sucker

    time to re boot
    sterlize all with bleach or peroxide rinse well
    for a clean start
    avoid over watering lookout for better quality soils

    good luck
  5. Did you transport that in the back of the pickup? Some of it will probably recover but not all of it. You could wait and see what it does or cut it off and let it grow new tips.
  6. Looks like an indoor plant fried in direct sun. Give it shade and prayers.
  7. Yes we didn't cover it to well , took a lot of wind can't believe its alive
  8. Outdoor all the tine
  9. Yes we did
  10. Why do you say it's root fungi ? I have it in loose soil and it's been a drought here in ontario
  11. Should I cut the dieing tips?
  12. BGT - Phytophthora root rot
  13. thos bent over brances have been that way for 4 days now no recovery, cut them?
  14. So it's not wilted down, the soft new tips were blown around in the back of the pickup. I'm sure some of those tips will not recover and I bet you are too so you may as well cut them back and get some new healthy tips before they start to flower.

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