I know there are some Transhumanists on this site, so I thought I would share this. Any thoughts or opinions on what is stated in the article? For more information on Transhumanism Click Here, or Here, and Here. Here is a video for those who are more visual in nature. It discusses somethings very much related to Transhumanism. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="320" height="285" id="VE_Player" align="middle"><param name="movie" value="http://static.videoegg.com/ted/flash/loader.swf"><PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="bgColor=FFFFFF&file=http://static.videoegg.com/ted/movies/RAYKURZWEIL_high.flv&autoPlay=false&fullscreenURL=http://static.videoegg.com/ted/flash/fullscreen.html&forcePlay=false&logo=&allowFullscreen=true"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><param name="scale" value="noscale"><param name="wmode" value="window"><embed src="http://static.videoegg.com/ted/flash/loader.swf" FlashVars="bgColor=FFFFFF&file=http://static.videoegg.com/ted/movies/RAYKURZWEIL_high.flv&autoPlay=false&fullscreenURL=http://static.videoegg.com/ted/flash/fullscreen.html&forcePlay=false&logo=&allowFullscreen=true" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" scale="noscale" wmode="window" width="320" height="285" name="VE_Player" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></object>
Excellent post, I don't really have time to comprehend this all or watch the video, but I'll definitely bookmark this and give it a good read when I have some idle time.
Personally, I do not agree with the article and fail to understand how he arrived at his conclusions. I hope some Transhumanist's show up in the thread to rip the article apart. Glad you liked the thread man!
Damn, I was just assuming it was giving off some information related to it, looks like I should have read it first then posted.
I like the idea of transhumanism. There are some pretty big assumptions made in regards to the singularity, but the idea is fundamentally solid -- it's a process we already see happening in the last couple decades. Integration is inevitable. On that note, I'm not looking forward to getting those RFID chips -- they insert them with a HUGE needle... scary.
Don't worry, the other stuff I linked to provides some good information in regards to Transhumanism. Yeah, there are some pretty big assumptions made in regards to the singularity, I for one would avoid it. I am not a fan of needles or RFID chips. Give me nanites instead, damnit! A big ass needle would be worth it then.
woo rasta man is back whats singularity? i would definately get a mod to make me live longer, think faster/better, see better, hear better and breathe better. i despise the idea about id chips in my skin, but once the cool stuff comes out im there. up untill this point i liked the article. i loose respect for the author after i read this and this
Hey thanks man It's hard to explain, but wikipedia does it very well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity
Transhumanism is either an extemely dangerous idea, or a very intelligent one. It's too early to tell which. But, I'm not going to lie...I'd think it's leaning towards the dangerous end. The rhetoric used sounds like it comes directly from science fiction novels instead of actual science. I think at this point it's pretty foolish for the most part.
They are making machines to fight diabetes. They understand the "software" that runs many of our biological systems, they are developing machines that can mimic certain functions. I do not think sounds more like Sci-Fi than actual science. Even if it does, what does that matter? A lot of shit people said were pure Sci-Fi are things we now use everyday, not everything of course, but that is not really the point. Sometimes things sound fantastic. I wonder how people felt when they were told about the Wright brothers flying. They must have thought that was nonsense, now jets cover the sky. We will take our evolution into our own hands. We will make use of technology to do so. It is inevitiable.
just a hunch. Cognitive dissonance, haha. I know next to nothing about it. I know that we as a species are going to move beyond our current definitions of what it means to be human, but I think that technological advances need to be closely watched and controlled through social responsibility. To me, transhumanism seems to be exactly the opposite. It seems to call for unfettered development of technology, particularly in humans themselves. Which would be unethical. Human cloning and things like that, are unethical, right now...because we don't know enough about it... Technology, if thought out with regard to its societal implications, can provide some amazing benefits to society, but it's much like capitalism...when unhindered it can cause great evil to society.
ooo i like the singularity i could see something bad happening if we allow the machines too much control. i would make the super computer invent anti-gravity, nano technology, free energy, robots... but i wouldnt let it design software, it could make a virus to help itself. if its just a box sitting there un connected to the internet i dont see how it could cause harm. as for rich being the only people to have this technology. i dont think thats true, at least not in the long run. it could help cure diseases, build a more sustainable future, build perfect economic models. humans ,or robot workers, would carry out what the machine says so we can ignore it when the machine says build a robot army connected to the super computer. i doubt i robot, or the matrix would actually happen. we just have to be careful to restrict the communication between machines.
Anyone else reckon that Francis Fukuyama is serving a "higher" purpose? What a fear-monger. I didn't hear anything scary in Ray Kurzweil's speech.
Most times I really think humanity is on the brink of a really nasty period. Transhumanism is good, but I think there are too many people who aren't, who are going to do some really stupid things we're all going to regret. All of humanity since the dawn of human life has been gearing towards concentrating large amounts of power into small units, the atomic age being the last major milestone before the internet, which isnt even done growing. When we get well into nanotech and genetic engineering, those in power who have unsettled differences will probably fuck up big time in an attempt to gain ultimate control. If we all just stuck to simple transhumanism everything would be much simpler. But greedy people are known to dislike the simple solution. I dont really care either way. whatever happens, it'll all be over soon
You know, I'm glad you asked that question. What exactly is 'enough' is my question to your question. Think of all the things in your life that make you uncomfortable, distressed, or anxious. Maybe some situations make you agitated, or a little bit irritated, maybe just pissed. Then there are the times when you wish you could undo some damage you may have caused. Now think of all those things gone. That is transcendence, and we've been doing it in little bits for as long as we have existed. In the past there would have been a lot more things to fill on your list, but we've transcended them, and now most people don't even think of them. There are lots of things we take for granted like clothes that don't bruise the wearer, or just clothes, period. Few people really enjoy neck pain, or fatigue, and I haven't met anyone who enjoys broken bones or car accidents. The point of transcendence is to get rid of all these things, one by one. And while we're at it, is it really wrong to have fun with new technology? Is it a bad idea to be able to spawn an entire universe inside your mind, and do within it anything you want? Some people might not think it's worth creating skin cells that are resistant to damage, or a body structure that can survive thousands of G-forces, but thank god some people do. Some people might not have thought it worth replacing telegrams with the internet, but thank god some people did.
I agree with your sentiments, although I still question what difference there is between the potential to transcend boundaries and the actualization of transcending. As in, what is there to transcend? How are we not perfect, just like everything else? Why isn't all externality (including the past and future) truly one with all that is internal (within perception or awareness)? Perhaps I'm rambling...