Transferring Plants from small to big pot

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DDEMONHH1, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. When the plant grows to big for the pot and i need to transfer the plant how do i go aboput doing it laments
  2. It is always easiest when the soil in your small pot is really dry (not enough to cripple the plant, but still pretty dry). Once the soil is dry enough, simply pick up the small pot and turn it on its side. Gently remove any loose dirt on top of the soil, then tip the pot completely upside-down while keeping your hand flat on the soil to hold it up. I usually put the stem of the plant in-between my middle and pointer fingers. If the dirt doesn't easily slide out of the old pot, it helps if you slightly tap on the bottom of the pot to coerce the soil (and possibly roots) to break free from the bottom of the pot. Once it is out of the old pot, simply place the root system into your new pot and completely surround it with new soil. Make sure to water the existing dirt, as well as the new dirt, immediately to promote new growth. That's it! Good luck.

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