Yea but is it worth the time keeping these little things alive when i could be vegging new ones? How many weeks out do you think they are?
[quote name='"QuietRiot34"']Yea but is it worth the time keeping these little things alive when i could be vegging new ones? How many weeks out do you think they are?[/quote] I mean its worth a shot no? I don't see why not. Someone more experienced will come along soon and help you out though.
[quote name='"xDisciplex"'] With proper care,and light that could be 2' or more when done,and have 1-3 ounces of pot.You decide.[/quote] It's an auto, so explain to me how that's gonna hit 2' when its already into flower?? OP. I had an auto Buddha do the same shit Haha. It was about 4" tall and only yielded about an eighth. Don't understand why it did, the other plant was a foot and a half tall. So its really your call man. Scrap them and hope for better next round or keep them and have a lil fun? Maybe keep them and start new ones? They don't need much light or space. Speaking of, what is your setup?