Trans Siberian Early Flowers.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by QuietRiot34, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Well my plants decided to flower while they were still kids. Should i just toss them?


  2. ITS SO CUTE!:eek: CAN I HUG IT? toss it? no wai, get laid from that thing or something, PEACE:smoke:
  3. Don't toss them.. at least keep em alive and see what they yield :confused_2:
  4. Yea but is it worth the time keeping these little things alive when i could be vegging new ones? How many weeks out do you think they are?
  5. Not a whole lot of input. It is welcome.
  6. I say you keep it and roll a fatty out of it lol.
  7. [quote name='"QuietRiot34"']Yea but is it worth the time keeping these little things alive when i could be vegging new ones? How many weeks out do you think they are?[/quote]

    I mean its worth a shot no? I don't see why not. Someone more experienced will come along soon and help you out though.
  8. Dont chop...
  9. With proper care,and light that could be 2' or more when done,and have 1-3 ounces of pot.You decide.
  10. [quote name='"xDisciplex"']

    With proper care,and light that could be 2' or more when done,and have 1-3 ounces of pot.You decide.[/quote]

    It's an auto, so explain to me how that's gonna hit 2' when its already into flower??

    OP. I had an auto Buddha do the same shit Haha. It was about 4" tall and only yielded about an eighth. Don't understand why it did, the other plant was a foot and a half tall.

    So its really your call man. Scrap them and hope for better next round or keep them and have a lil fun?
    Maybe keep them and start new ones? They don't need much light or space. Speaking of, what is your setup?

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