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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by GrabTheMic, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I'm about to try Trainwreck in a few hours.
    I read a little about it.
    I know its 90% sativa
    So it won't couchlock me.

    I wanna hear your guys stories, thoughts, whatever about trainwreck.
  2. If you smoke too much you will start getting stupid
  3. some heavy shit

    ur head gonna feel like its been in a train wreck.
  4. i wouldnt smoke it out of glass
  5. we smoked a blunt of it and i was like wtf? i dont feel anything then i walked to the end of the lake under some greek style pillars and felt like i got hit by zeus's lightning and i was like oh shit

    it creeps on you
  6. #6 dan k, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    in my experience (from 5 different sources) its always the same...
    dense as fuck , looks dusty from all the crystals, and wreaks like a lemony skunk ass.

    sometimes its kind of over kill to put it in a blunt. i like in a small spoon.

    it is kind of a creeper unless you put it in a blunt youre fuckin fried in about 3 hits

    have fun.
  7. i wish i had a picture of when my homie brought a lb of trainwreck

    smoked so much blunts, quite baked
    other *****s couldnt hang, light weights

  8. me and 1 friend split it by a lake house place we always toke at, a cop drove by too and we put it away we thot he stopped but they dont care at this park really. we didnt know what to expect we just thought it was a normal pick up:eek: then were like:confused::eek::smoke::D
  9. its one of my favorite strains to grow, the smell is so fruity and danky man i love it hahaha.
  10. its a weed high thats for damn sure.
  11. I'm vong'in some Trainwreck as we speak, it's slowly coming on now!!!!@!@!
  12. shits nuts. i've had it on 3 seperate occasions. I'm a lightweight so one split bowl got me high as a kite lol. really good stuff, smoke as much as you can until you feel like your going to enter the uncomfortable high:smoke:
  13. This is one of my favorite buds. A friend and I were driving and we decided to smoke a bowl. We waited a few minutes didn't feel that high, so we smoke another bowl. five minutes later it literally hit me like a train. I considered turning around and going home I was so high.
  14. Smoked 3 bowls with three friends and I ran into a pool. Easily the highest I have ever been. If you get the legit shit, be careful, haha.
  15. Oh my word.

    We met up after school he only had about two bowls left.
    The first hit I took left me coughing like a bitch. its was so heavy and my chest felt like it was hit by a train.

    We finished our bowls and we were baked.
    by far one of my favorite strains.
  16. I have some right now. Its sooo dense and smells lemony and minty. Taste like it smells. Really light green buds with plenty of crystals.
  17. Of the 3 times that I've had it, I'd say it's near the top of what I've had for potency. Def. in the top 5. If you smoke it out of a good piece you can start to feel tingly in your arms and legs it's that good. Also has probably the best smell out of any of the buds I've had. I could smell a nug of Trainwreck all day.
  18. i got too high on trainwreck last night. never fill a party bowl and expect to kill it in one sitting. you have been warned

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