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Trainwreck question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by NasaJoe, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Ive just recently picked up some Trainwreck (which ill abv. as TW from here out) and it doesnt smell like any weed ive ever had before. Its reallly hard to explain, but it smells sour / soapy. It doesent have that deep, good THC smell, rather a stronger, more sour smell.

    Ive had some and its really strong, so i'm definitively not complaining, but curious if anyone has ever had a strain of TW or any bud for that matter than smelled similar to this.

    You can taste it in your lungs. o_O :eek:
  2. I'm currently growing trainwreck, it makes my room smell like cat piss. But when you smell the cola's upclose it's a lemon lime spicy...mmm so good
  3. mmm...i love TW is smells so good and tasty and a really spicy kick when u smoke it. U normally feel the high in the front of your face and around your eyes
  4. Damn, nice pics in your sig area of your TW. If those plants are even half of what i just smoked then you gonna be OKAY! Good greefe..

    and yeah, its like a tarty acidic smell..
  5. The Arcata Trainwreck is a beast, she puts out tons of resin that absolutely reeks of lemons and spices (I've also heard it described as "Whale carcass dipped in lemon menthol gasoline"). She has a very powerful uplifting high that lasts for a long time, this is my motivational herb of choice.:p
  6. Probably wasn't cured properly. Does it remind of you hay?
  7. #7 coogs, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    pretty accurate, ive consistently heard the bit about the lemony smell, sometimes floral but mainly lemon vomit, like if someone cleaned up vomit in an elementary school with lemon comet or something like that haha sounds good :D

    edit: have some on my pick-up thread from november if u wanna look, what you described is very similar to my description.
  8. I came across some Trainwreck that matches your description very closely...It smelled like TW I've smoked in the past except way more "sour." Was yours trimmed very well, with almost absolutely no leaves?

    Can you post a picture of a nug? I still have some left and want to compare...
  9. The trainwreck I get smells sour and repulsive a hint of pine to it.
  10. bingo the menthol mixed with lysol or lemon/lime hits it on the head for one of my pheno tw i got growing
  11. Same cut Im smoking on! Sounds like an accurate description its damn good to.
  12. yep, thats trainwreck! it smells alot different from other strains. I think it has that kush smell.. but with extra pine/spice/mint haha i LOVE it:smoking:
  13. After all this talk about train i sure could go for some right now lol. Love train only problem is it doesn't come through as much as i'd like it to. Love the high it gives and the smoke is just as good.

  14. Mine was trimmed really well.. and its rediculously sticky. Others peoples discription above me are very accurate as well. I donated $50 for an eighth which is a great price for such a bomb strain.. Could be a super good batch too..

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