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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Ze cross jointa, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. $260 Oz
    Gotta love the great northwest


    Compliments my new LW bub very nicely :D
  2. Damn dude that is some fluffy, frosty, tasty dankness! Stay lifted, bro.
  3. i love me some creeper
  4. Those buds are Godly, nice pickup dude

  5. That may be to dank. Wait what am I saying? Theirs no such thing :p. Good bud man
  6. Just had this strain love it :cool:
  7. Looks better then the trainwreck i've gotten in the past, and the shit i got was super good...
  8. Do you pick up in Seattle? I go there all the time.... I get dank on the eastside myself and looks similar to this.

    Gotta love washington.....:smoke:
  9. trainwreck never fails! nice pick up bro. +rep
  10. Eastside actually....not of the state for you washington noobs
  11. I get same quality and price over here in Spokane Washington. I love Washington state :)
  12. I clicked on this thread, saw the first picture and just shook my head. Amazing buds, I should have listened to the warning. Must pack :)
  13. nice baby nug
    trich covered
  14. Ugh those delicious nugs are driving me crazy. Need. To. Pack. Bowl.:smoke:
  15. goddamnnn i wanna smoke that haha :p:

    excellent nugs sir
  16. God damn that's some frosty bud. And CHEAP! Fuck Texas, I hate seeing other ppl getting shit like this when I pay $210 for a HALF of some dank :(. FML. But hey...I'm glad you guys are getting it for that cheap, cause ya'll my blades :cool: :cool: :cool:!

    But this shit looks awesome man, enjoy every bit of it!
  17. Oh herro.

    E n j o y . :smoke:
  18. I just had this same TW less than a week back. It hits you INTENSE. So frosty, too.
    I pay $280 for O's of that, but that's because it has to come from that state to mine first, lol.

    I also just grabbed a half-O of PermaFrost and another half-o of Maui Wowie, so I'm set for a bit:cool:

    your threads are always bringin' it hardcore ZCJ!!! way to show what WA got going on!
  19. damn! nice buds... and an awesome price! hope you enjoy :smoke:
  20. Looks so sick dude, where in the northwest? I'm in Minneapolis and I'm lookin to pick up this weekend.. so far I have options of "Skunk #1" for $220 a half O or "NYC Diesel" for the same. You're gettin good prices! :smoke:

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