Is there a venue where we can swap/sell/trade grow equipment? There always seems to be a thread on all my other hobby forums for this sort of thing. I imagine there are a lot of growers who have lots of equipment they have outgrown and are ready to get rid of. Thanks!
That's not a bad idea, but nothing like that on GC because hook-ups are against GC rules. The problem is that if a website sells or enables others to sell illegal contraband then it no longer is simply an information exchange (which is perfectly legal and is what GC is). Try eBay and Craigslist, those are the places most individuals sell used stuff, and there are always MJ growing supplies being sold on those sites.
A quick list of products NOT allowed to be sold is easy....but lights, ballast, pots, etc would be fine it seems.
So, if I wanted to, I could advertise for equipment wanted, and interested people with some extra supplies on hand could pass something my way for a decent price. Nice. So I could advertise with a thread titled "WANTED: supplies wanted for a beginner 400w setup" I just want to make absolutely sure, being banned would definately be a downer.
Bro...I was just agreeing with you. I don't have any authority to give you a thumbs up. I too think we should ask for a trading post with rules on what's allowed and what's not.