So today I bought packed in some Dibs Icecream,only they were in a mini bag type thing instead of a carton so they're travel size and shit.So my buddy was just joking about how bad he wanted dibs so he wrapped up a little nug and in trade I gave him the Dibs (Which are like a 1.00$) a pack if sold individually....I laughed a bit when I looked at the nug later when I was out of school.Looked tasty.Yet to smoke it but thought Id share this small story with GC.Sorry if it was a let down Now off to fill my mp3 player with tunes!
Dude if i was high and had the munchies i honestly think i would have traded the nug too for the dibs.
Me and Swim smoked it today this afternoon Was some good shit but we had to smoke some of his weed after that was a lil worse in quality but I can't complain