Tough Choice

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by BakedInChitown, May 22, 2012.

  1. I already posted this in another place but looking for more responses. So I smoke probably once a weekend with my friends, Im just an 18 year old senior almost on break, and ive got a little over a hundred bucks and i want to get a peice. I want it too be easy to hide, smooth, and hard to break. Ive basically got it down to the incredibowl m420. But then i was thinking of maybe a cheap portable vaporizer like the Magic Flight Launch Box. Ive never vaped before but i here its a fun high. idk, any help. personal experiences too.
  2. I have a mflb and if you're concerned with stealth at all then you can't beat an mflb. you could do it in your bedroom with no towel under the door and nobody would smell. It's nice in that way, but there is a large learning curve to vaping with an mflb. Until you get good at it, it takes quite a while for a sesh. And its really easy to hide.
  3. A vaporizer is a different high, I suggest testing with a vape made out of a light bulb. Closest you can get without dropping $100.

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