Doing some searches really POPPED my bubble. After being under the impression due to media and word of mouth data. Stories of Coffeehouse's lead me to believe Cannbis use for recreational purposes were legal in the Netherlands I came across this..what am I to think now? The secret of world-wide drug prohibition by Harry G. Levine "What percentage of countries in the world have drug prohibition? Is it 100 percent, 75 percent, 50 percent or 25 percent?" Most people, especially avid readers and the political aware, guess 25 or 50 percent. More suspicious people sometimes guess 75 percent. The correct answer is 100 percent, but nobody guesses that. Most people will not have previously heard that every country in the world has drug prohibition. Unusual as it seems, almost nobody knows about the existence of world-wide drug prohibition
well you can fly to amsterdam, go into a coffee shop, buy weed, go into a smart shop, buy some shrooms, and then go blaze on the front steps of the police station without getting arrested.. sounds like prohibition to me *roll eyes*
If this is verified I'm on my way. Airline tickets are really reasonable. Should I take my wife? She doesn't smoke.
As luck would have it. Today in the Sunday News in my area they have done a very nice story on Amsterdam in the travel section. I will be planning a vaction in the near future. First I will check weather conditions to select the time of the year. But it does look like a very interesting place to visit. There are ton and tons of museums which will be the target of my travel. I am planning 7 -10 days to make sure I get a couple of down days to enjoy a variety of events. Thank you