Total Economic Collapse Discussion

Discussion in 'Politics' started by IGOTJOINTS4YA, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Yes, european banks, as well as chinese banks, hold trillions of socalled assets that may not be worth anything. And guess where those "assets" come from?

    Mainly US financial devices, stocks and bonds, which Europe and China have been buying up en masse in order to rid oneself of even more toxic dollars.

    I've never said that Europe nor China (or Russia) will come through this financial meltdown unscathed. In the short term, the rest of the world will feel the impact. But in the mid to long term, the rest of the world is much better equipped to handle it, for the simple reason that it is not dependent upon deficit spending as a result of debt financing its trade balance.

    Like the US is.

    The only things that matter are industrial output to service domestic and foreign markets. The US have outsourced its industry in what can only be called economical harakiri. The rest of the world hasn't.
  2. The toxic dollar huh?

    It did you well for the past hundred years, and now it shows one TRUE sign of showing serious problems it is Toxic?


    I see what the Europeans did, this is like a tragic drama, build up a side character, allow there emotions to get connected to the person audience, then cut them off and kill them. Fucking stupendous!
  3. #23 aaronman, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2009

    I agree with you here. This is what all those kooky people refer to when they say our government is run by globalist NWO elite that will gladly sacrifice the superior American position for their own greed.

    Like what Brzezinski said in his book Between Two Ages:

    "Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational elites … [Whose] ties cut across national boundaries …It is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook … The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty… Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position."

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member, National Security Advisor to several Presidents, Unofficial adviser to Obama, Executive Director and co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission, "Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era" (1970).

    America was pretty much the host of globalist parasites, and the same can be said for the USSR... where will they go next?
  4. In simple terms, here is how it works.

    (A rewrite of the "stranded on an island example")

    On this given island there are 10 people. Of which one is american, and the rest a mix of europeans and asians. Chinese really. Everyone, except the american, do their daily work to produce their food, and tools and what have you not. The american wants this too, and gets it by writing out a lot of IOUs. You see, the american is the only one on the island with a gun that have dry bullets, so he do have a bit of power in that sense, and through that have made sure that american IOUs are the only legal tender.

    And to begin with, the american did produce a fair share himself. But then he got lazy, and thought that, hey, I control the IOUs. I can make as many as I want to buy whatever I want from the other poor saps.

    Realizing this, the rest of the population on the island soon shifted their IOUs to buy up shares in what the american produced earlier. A bit of his banana tree, a bit of his hut and a bit of his fishing operation. Trading in IOUs for assets.

    Ofcourse, these assets are hideously overpriced compared to what the american get for his IOUs, but still, it is better than a piece of, uhm, let us say the IOUs are represented by clams. Clams in themselves have no value as we all know. They might look pretty, but that is it.

    Now, as the american starts defaulting on his IOUs, the rig is up. Game over. The other islanders will seize the americans property, talking a huge loss in clams, but still getting a gain in assets, and the american have to start anew, with new production of his own in order to contribute to the island economy as a partner and not a leech.

    And by this time, the other islanders gunpowder have dried up. The american got no leverage by force any more.
  5. [​IMG]

    The the show gets canceled because the broadcasting network realizes that NWO needs to come into effect and then controls the entire god damn world, instead of one little island.

    /Sarcasm, your island analogy is heresy to what is really going on here.

  6. You can continue to deny the realities of the US economic meltdown all you want, and the reasons for it. But if you take a little look around, you will see it dismantling before your very eyes. If you bother to look that is.

    Reality take little heed of delusions. Fact is, the US is a leech on the world economic community, there is no other way to describe it. It is facilitated by the USD being the fiat world currency. But that is ending. Right here, right now, the wheels are in motion. And with it, so do US deficit spending.

    That spells doom for the US economy. The only cure is reindustrializing. Achieving a balanced, preferably surplus, trade balance.

    You are balancing right on the edge of the cliff. The slightest nudge, and it is game over. A new world economic paradigm will set in, and it will not include USD. For the simple reason that the US is bankrupt.
  7. #27 IGOTJOINTS4YA, Feb 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2009
    What amazing industry is in Europe that will let them fair ok, educate me.

    What is an Amazing export in Europe that the whole world needs?

    reindustrialization huh?

    What possibly could the US produce that the whole world will need, that is efficient enough to actually create growth?

    I am not denying the inevitable, i know the US is fucked, I just don't see where you have the audacity to sit there an say to me with a straight face and talk as if we are a leech. We weren't a leech when you were doing business with us were we, but now our check book is running low we are a leper. Fuck Europe, you guys are the leeches, building up societies then smirking when you pull the rug from under them.

    Is that what America is, An over-glorified colony?

    We are expendable right?

    Fuck that.


    This is how this is making me feel.
  8. It is not a specific kind of export. It is all export. Everything. From fresh fish to cars to industrial machinery to ships. Everything added together.

    Again, it is all kinds of export. The US industry, what little is left of it, is more than efficient enough. What bogs it down is privatized health-insurance, which provide a sizable chunk of the expenditure of any US firm. Apart from that, it is just a matter of gearing ones industry (and building new) to provide the goods that people want and need, domestic and abroad.

    Europe have not been pulling the rug under no-one. This financial mess is all of your own creation. And nobody is smirking over it. Nobody, at least in the west who are not some radical leftie or muslim, want any harm for the US or take any pleasure in it.

    But fact is, deficit spending, hundreds of billions each year the last 15-20 years, by exploiting the USD position as fiat currency, is leeching on the world economy. That is not a value-judgment, but an accurate description of modern post 1971 US economic policy.

    Never said or implied any such thing. The US certainly is not expendable. But in world economic terms it might become irrelevant once the US need to pay for imported goods with hard currency and not just printing more dollars.

    And the only way out of that situation, as I've said many times, is to re-industrialize. You'll never grow rich again by cutting eachothers hair and doing other service related jobs.

    Oh, and stopping the kleptocratic system of government you have that have put you in this mess. Not only that, but which also have stolen your money and savings by inflation and socalled trickle-down economics. All of which have made the rich richer, and the poor poorer. I think now, today, some 90% of all value in the US are held by the top 5% of the population. The US got the biggest gap of any developed nation between the top 10% and the bottom 10%. And the majority of those 80% in the middle, are bleeding money upwards as well.

    Don't get sad. Get angry. Not at the outside world, we are as much victim to US economic policies as you are, and in dire straits as a result though better prepared. Get angry at the elites in Washington and Wall-Street that have put this system in place, and who have benefitted from it.
  9. Can do, and will do.
  10. My favorite people are those who insist that others are deluded, drink beers until they get a hangover, and then sleep off the logic under the guise that they are successfully employed (most likely for a profit-is-king corporation).

    Oh, true delusion is thinking gravity doesn't hold your ass down to earth too, with all of your deluded friends (a.k.a. us).
  11. In all seriousness gravity might not be what is holding us down to the earth. It is just a theory attempting to explain why we don't float away into space, and the fact that it seems to be a rather good theory doesn't mean that gravity is what we believe it to be. Sure the formulas work out, but there could be another, more correct, explanation other than the theory of gravity. LOL. I got you there. Now who is deluded? huh? :smoke:
  12. I was watching a video on ted of what you are talking about and had to stop watching because it got shot past my realm of thinking on the issue.

  13. Hmm? Oh, shall I say that "we're stuck on earth" instead? :) I hope you can understand my first post better now.

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