So me and my 2 friends decided we would go smoke about 1.5 grams of some funk in my attic using my friends new pipe. We wanted someone to keep watch so it was me and Bill that went to smoke first and John kept watch. To get to my attic, you have to go upstairs and go down a hallway and open the door at the end of it. We went into the attic and smoked and we got high- and i mean REALLY HIGH. So i go back to get John to go back, and right when I'm about to tell him to go back, my mom comes up the stairs. So here I am, stoned out of my fucking mind, eyes probably bloodshot, and i have to explain where bill is. So my mom asked where he is and I said in the attic. My mom and i start walking down the hallway leading to the attic and i can hear Bill screaming "AHHHHHH DAHHHH DAHHH BAHHHH!" I thought we were for sure busted but when i got back there he wasn't there. So I said he must not be here and my mom said "Why is there so much smoke in here?" All i could think of is we were trying to make a scary movie with his phone and we lit a bunch of matches. So we're walking back and i hear a loud thud come from the attic. My mom asked what it was and pretended i did'nt hear anything. It turns out that Bill had gone all the way in the back where no light can reach and hid there when my mom came, and had all the smoking materials with him. But his foot fell throught the floor and that was what the thud was. John was actually in the garage getting a drink and saw his foot come through the ceiling and he busted his ass off laughing. So Bill came out and told my mom he was outside and my mom believed him somehow. We didn't get caught but i won't be smoking in my attic again ever.
Your attic sounds exactly like one I used to live in when I first moved out on my own and hopped a bus to another state. It was unfinished and tiny, but cheap as hell and the people let me eat with them and stuff.
I nearly shit myself, imagining what it would have been like for the kid in the garage. extremely fried, no idea whats going on. just tryin to get some drinks. and a foot comes crashing through the roof