
Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by bamf64, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 bamf64, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    What are your guys opinions on Tosh.o? its an amazing fuckin show IMO.

    my legs are tingling like a MOTHERFUCKER.
  2. One of the funniest guys out there. My favorite comedian for sure.
  3. id rather watch completely serious

    [ame=]YouTube - Completely Serious Fat Dick[/ame]

    his stand up is way more funny
  4. dont remember posting this..... too many bubbler tokes...
  5. I hate Tosh.o. But it seems like thats just me. Everyone else i know says they like him too.. He seems so arrogant and the way he talks just makes me want to jump through the TV and punch him in his face.
  6. Namaste All :)

    A TV critic said that Tosh is politically incorrect & really funny so I watched the 1st show of season 3. It's just like The Soup but instead of tv shows, Tosh makes fun of internet videos. The bit wih Antoine Dodson & the "Rape Trap" was funny. But other than that I don't think he's especially funny. Seems to be following an old template.
  7. tosh is a fag.. everytime he is promoting his show he seems to have his shirt off or something and always talking or looking at men in strange ways... before his show even came on i didn't even know who the fuck he was.. idk whats happened to comedy central the past few years but its getting bad

  8. +rep dude. seriously. i hate that guy. :smoke:
  9. He's hilarious. But very polarizing, you either hate him or you love him, no in between.
  10. His tv show isn't all that great. Actually its quite bad unless I'm blazed. But his stand up is way better.

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