Toronto\canada roll up!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by pr3m, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. Just saying hi to all from Toronto Canada!
    :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking: :smoking:
  2. yeyeye maaaayn
    canada represent
    reppin kitchener! 511111999999999999:hello:
  3. The 705 is cool too!
    Oh wait, no, no it really sucks.
  4. 705 where is that ?
  5. :smoking:
  6. Welcome to the city :wave:

    519 here.....that sounded weird, I've never told someone I'm from an area code before
  7. -416- here. and to answer your question the green is good, u just have to know where i guess. local hydro here is usually dank and u even catch some BC shit too

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