Those of you who live in the LA county area, i'm just you just heard that loud thunder just a few minutes ago. Now the news is saying there is a tornado warning? I don't have a tv near me since im at work. I mean i know its the news and all.... Any insight?
shit in tornadoes ur suppose to go to the highest room in the house, which would be an attic if you have one. be safe
I'm surrounded by mountains so I've never had experience with Tornadoes but I think you got that backwards.
Don't worry. Tornadoes only do alot of damage of they're big, unless you guys have a doozie your house has a good chance of surviving one. I've been through at least 7 tornadoes. You get used to it after a while. And it's a good thing that you're still hearing thunder too, because it's when the weather gets calm that you have to start worrying.
Bye bye, Los Angeles. How is it that I haven't experience a tornado yet and I live in the Midwest? Hmmmm....
ive been thru atleast 100 tornado warnings in fla never actually had one cross my path or get very close and alot of times there is no real tornados
HA. In Miami we have severe thunderstorm/tornado warnings everyday all throughout summer. Usually severe thunderstorm but when the tornado warning sign thing goes off and you look at the sky it usually looks like some day after tomorrow type shit I'm sure you guys are fine though What about when there is more than two tornadoes on the ground when theres a hurricane? Aw yeah, pants will be shitted then.