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Torn down the middle on what to buy.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by samy109, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. i'm torn as to what I should buy. Either I can get like a quad of some REALLY good bubba kush, like 2 hits and i'm completly fucked, or, I can get close to an ounce of some pretty good korn(like 24 grams or so). What would you do?
  2. I usually like the cheaper, Because You can smoke people out and make the most out of your weed, But if your smoking alone chronic is the way to go
  3. Me and a couple friends are supposed to relax today, so maybe the korn would be better to get. I don't know :confused:
  4. Always go with dank
  5. Dankk for sure
  6. I'm getting a 3x mix. Brainstorm, blackberry kush, and blue dream... 2.6 or so of each. I'll upload pics once I get them. Anyone heard of Brainstorm? The rest I know are dank as fuck, but never heard of brainstorm.
  7. Quality over quantity when it comes to weed
  8. [quote name='"NikoHigh"']I usually like the cheaper, Because You can smoke people out and make the most out of your weed, But if your smoking alone chronic is the way to go[/quote]

    Exactly this.
  9. #9 samy109, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012

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    Tottaly compressed stuffed in there, 3 strands.. Smells like fucking blackberrys and blue berrys. Sorry, tottaly stoned...

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