Did a search and I saw summer 2013 as a potential release date. Where did you get info on Torchlight 2 being out? I'd like to see if I'm just looking at old stuff that hasn't been updated. Been on the lookout though, and I'd love to give Torchlight 2 a try.
I played the first one to death. Fucking barbarian raped everything. Got pretty far on VHHC then died and gave up, lol. I'd like to see an MMO version.
Downloading the first Torchlight right now. Time to see if it'll win my love or if I'll regret paying 20 bucks for it
$20? I'm not sure it's worth all that. I got it for Xbox for $15, and I'm still not sure that was a good deal. It's awesome at first, but it just gets old quick know my opinion. Maybe multiplayer in the next one will add more replay value
Well I did the Steam pre-order and they offer the first free with a pre-order of TL2. I actually am thoroughly enjoying the game too, it's really got me hooked.
[quote name='"chimera765"'] Well I did the Steam pre-order and they offer the first free with a pre-order of TL2. I actually am thoroughly enjoying the game too, it's really got me hooked.[/quote] Yeah and you can download mods for it and fuck with the classes
This thread had me excited, only to find out that it was still in pre-order and not actually out yet on Steam. I beta-tested it a few months back and loved every aspect of the game. It seemed to be better than Torchlight 1 in all respects. As for the co-op online play. The way it worked during beta was there were a ton of servers you could join (any game at anytime so long as it was open and not password protected) or you could start your own. I didn't add any friends while I was testing, but I imagine their friends list or Steam will make it incredibly easy to join the games of your friends. The only thing that I can think of that should be improved was the difficulty of the game. It felt too easy even on Veteran and Elite. However, you only got the first section of the game and the ability to level to 21 in the beta. So it may get increasingly difficult later on, but I was able to blast through it in around 5 hours. I think it's going to be a great game though.