topping problem with pics...

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by lotuselise, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. i recently started two white widow max plants and they are a little over two weeks old so i decided to top one of them. its been about three days now and there has been no new growth from the main stem. should i be worried?! i dont want to top my other plant until i see new growth. did i cut it wrong? why isnt it growing back? do i have to wait longer?

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  2. You're fine. There is no wrong way to top. The plant is just stressing a little and recovering. Give it a few days and you should start to see the new colas pushing out.
  3. so should i go ahead and top my other plant then?
  4. I top all my plants and strongly believe in the process. :smoking:
  5. so whens the "average" time that you will see new growth?
  6. 2-4 days
  7. you will be fine u might be suprised with the topping i topped once and have 12 tops now! give you plant two weeks it will be a little bush in no time

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