Topping/cloning question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sonadorazul, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. upload_2024-4-1_12-16-55.jpeg

    So my first ever plant is 24 days and growing like a weed. (Small miracle: ruined one by overwatering and another ruined itself by seed shell not releasing) Growing past node 5 now in 3 gal Happy Frog.
    She's going in the ground in 4 weeks and figure I'll continue the education adventure by trying to clone the remnant of my first topping. Thought I would wait for growth out of 7th node and top just above 4th node. Have questions:
    1. For heavy stress like topping does it matter where you are in the water/feeding cycle?
    2. If clone takes root would also go in 3 gal cloth pot. How long after would you consider it able to withstand transplanting outside in the ground? And how long after--if at all--for maybe some LST? Assume clones are inherently more fragile but maybe not?
    Thanks in advance, this forum is a lifesaver!
  2. 1. For heavy stress like topping does it matter where you are in the water/feeding cycle?
    I like if I must fim on the 3rd- 5th lateral but going outdoors I'd leave as is she gonna need all that plant

    2. If clone takes root would also go in 3 gal cloth pot. How long after would you consider it able to withstand transplanting outside in the ground?
    I'd get it outdoors quick as I can so long as you have no Frost!, prep the hole now with light nute sands and compost

    good luck
  3. When I grow outdoors I like to make a hole around 3' x 3' and fill the bottom foot with hot super soil and the rest with regular potting mix.

    Agree with @Vee. Get it in the ground but if it's a clone you want to grow them out a little longer indoors to develop the root system. Clone plants don't have tap roots so you want to transplant them a little deeper in the soil.
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  4. this method has proven useful over the years for many outdoors types
    some Aussies like to include an air mattress filled with water on a higher level perhaps

    ps avoid over filling as in many cases the hard surrounding soil can lock the water in leading to root rot overtime
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