Hi, I'm new and this is my first post.. So hello Ok onto topic. I hate organized religion. I believe it started out with good intentions but man is easily corruptable and it has such been used as a tool to control the masses and nothing more..That doesn't mean good people don't exist within organized religion so I'm not dissing any PERSON, just the idea. Sorry if that is offensive but it needed to be expressed. So, I started my spiritual journey kind of young when I would watch a fantasy movie and would see some form of positive magic that someone would then tell me was going to send me to a firey place of all damnation...I started studying wicca first, then I took classes on religion when I got into college. After the classes and the books, I only felt MORE confused, and MORE lost. Then I came across this video, and I really felt that it opened my eyes to an entire new set of concepts and ideas that felt a LOT more comfortable than the bibical stories I was force fed as a child. (I want to point out that my family were christians but they were also typical 'sinners', and they did not force the religion on me so much as society as a whole has) I wanted to share this video and hopefully start a positive debate/discussion about it. It is an hour long and goes into aliens, christians, egyptians, and the illuminati. It's at least entertaining so smoke a fatty and enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LIVL_e1KZk
Just so you know, this same topic has been raised here a number of times and shot down, because the information in it is wrong. Everythng said about the pyramids for example is inaccurate for example. Wrong number of blocks, wrong size, wrong construction, etc. It begins with the same line that Zeitgeist does, that everything your government, church, mother, science andhistory has ever told you is completely untrue, but they know the facts. The truth is that they are the very conspiracy that they pretend to warn us all about. Zeitgeist and this are put out by quasi-political groups affiliated with the 'Thrive' group, see the link below. They're not interested in UFO's or aliens, but politics and winning over people who want sincerely to find truth in things like this. It's a con, but I'm quite sure you aren't aware of that. http://forum.grasscity.com/science-nature/1068409-thrive-zeitgeist-ancient-aliens-debunked.html?hl=thrive Welcome to GC Melt
Firstly, where is your proof that the information is incorrect Firstly, where is your proof that the information in the video is incorrect? Secondly, it is not a con, Jordan David and the people behind Spirit Science are not some kind of political group. This video is simply an exploration of ideas. It is likely that most of the information in the video is similar to the true history of humanity, but 'patchman' never claims for all the information to be 100% true. He never says 'this is what happened, you must believe it'. He simply throws some interesting ideas out there for consideration, believe it or don't believe it, it doesn't make a difference. If you have watched other Spirit Science videos or videos of people associated with Spirit Science such as Teal Scott or the Atlantis King, or Jordan Davids personal videos, you would know these are simply awakened beings sharing their truth with the world. In fact, Teal Scott is one of the greatest spiritual teachers I have had the pleasure of listening to, along with the likes of Eckhart Tolle. I have never heard an ingenuine word come out of her mouth. She is wise, humble and definitely a higher vibrational being. So this video is simply for the purpose of playing around with ideas, a video that invokes deep thought into the history of humanity. But what Spirit Science is all about is the lessons. If you think there is some kind of political agenda, some kind of conspiracy behind these teachings, the same teachings that the Buddha and the Christ taught, then must be quite delusional: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c3AVj66ahg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRsuEDseFg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxWvWW_MQh0 These are just a random selection, but I recommend watching each episode in order for those interested. For the record, yes I do believe 'The Powers That Be' had a part in the New Age/2012 movement. The Mayans never said the world would end in 2012, but it is likely the elite played a part in spreading negative imagery (end of the world) of an event that was supposed to a positive time in humanity's history, a time of awakening and ascension (karma sutra). It is also possible they spread false information about what exactly would happen. Many 'new agers' bought into the idea that they would surely ascend to the 4th dimension. This was most likely a sabotage to give false hope, so that those that invested so much belief would look silly, and then realize it was all bullshit, giving up their search for truth and getting back to playing the game the elite have created for us.
Haha thank you. I would say that Spirit Science definitely played a part in my awakening. I remember watching the hidden human history video, and the story truly resonated with me. I felt like the information was coming straight from a 'higher being' and apparently much of it did, from Thoth. But like I say, Spirit Science is all about the lessons. There is no hidden agenda here, simply a bunch of guys sharing their truth and helping others along their journey. This is one of Jordan David's good friends, who is a part of Spirit Science: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ed10NwhrDc Most of his videos are taken straight from the teachings of Eckhart Tolle with his own way of expressing it. That's ok, because theres no need to change the words that Eckhart uses, for they are only pointers, and very good pointers at that. But it is clear when you see what kind of people these are, what message they are spreading, is the complete opposite of what the 'illuminati' would want.
Firstly, where is your proof that the information in the video is incorrect? The contents of these movies has been discussed here many times and and elsewhere and debunked. They are unsupported by evidence, and more YT movies that are self-referencing are not proof that they are. Secondly, it is not a con, Jordan David and the people behind Spirit Science are not some kind of political group. Mr David is well aware of Thrive and its aims as he has one of their movies and others linked to it on his YT site, which he promotes. He is a walking advertisement for Thrive, a known subversive group led by an idiot billionaire - whether you know that or not. His 'wisdom' involves saying pretty much nothing at all, and then asking the reader to infer a meaning into it. This video is simply an exploration of ideas. It is likely that most of the information in the video is similar to the true history of humanity, but 'patchman' never claims for all the information to be 100% true. He never says 'this is what happened, you must believe it'. He simply throws some interesting ideas out there for consideration, believe it or don't believe it, it doesn't make a difference. No, he throws out wrong ideas and glosses over truths, replacing them with his own supposition without saying what is known fact and which is his own ramblings. That's when it stops being 'just throwing ideas out there', that's when it becomes something made with the intent of deceiving. If you think there is some kind of political agenda, some kind of conspiracy behind these teachings, the same teachings that the Buddha and the Christ taught, then must be quite delusional: Unfortunately, because you don't know of the links between all of this nonsense and Thrive you don't understand the real aims of all this. It's a conspiracy movie, just the same as Zeitgeist, and says directly that we have all been lied to about history and archaeology with no evidence offered as to by whom and when, or what about.As a Buddhist myself I can tell you that what he is saying has little to do with Buddhism. What it says too about chakras has nothing to do with authentic eastern teachings, and is primarily based on the fictitious 'western occult' system, a Victorian invention. Is what he is doing harmless, leaving the reader free to make up their own minds? God no, far from it.This is what is said about particle physics, in one breath trying to justify the silly FOL as having links to quantum physics. The FOL is a copyright invention of Drunvalo Melchizedek (please see his website), a man who now channels Satan for money. JD "...The Wave Particle Duality: This is a good tool to understand how Particles and Waves interact with each other. They are 2 sides of the same coin, and if you study the Flower of Life, you can see how it is made up of single points (particles) and lots of squiggly waveform lines! (Waves). This is the nature of Male and Female energy, appearing now before you in quantum physics!.." It could not have been more inaccurate. I certainly DO recommend that people here watch the videos, but first get a flavor of all that is David at this site, read the information in the pull down menus and make up your own minds:http://thespiritscience.net/spirit/about-jordan/ Wrong on Buddhism, physics, the pyramids, chakras, the role consciousness is supposed to have in evolution and whole list of other things taht really are wroeth reading just to see how bad this stuff can get.I'm sorry, this reply is far too long already, but I feel I must quote the the following from his site about his predictions for 2012, it made me laugh quite loudly : "...Now, modern day scientists, many channelings alike have made it clear that our DNA is broken. 97% of our DNA is inactive and turned off, and we only use really only roughly 3%. All of the messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as other channelings such as Kryon, Adamus, Archangel Michael and so on, paint pictures of 2012 being a time of a dimensional shift. Not just for specific people though, but everyone. They say that the entire planet is just changing frequencies and its a natural thing that will transpire and not to worry. Just wait it out basically, and soon we will all be 4th dimensional beings. Lots of scientific evidence has been supported to suggest new energies are coming into the planet, and there's info also available on the Photon Belt which is also changing our energies... Now I feel I can actually answer the original question, what will happen in 2012? I feel that the human race will split into 3 different sections. There will be the Ascension group. Many of the pure indigo children, individuals who have remained less distorted (there's not many people like that..) The people who do their DNA reactivations and allow these higher energies into their body and anchor them there. After 2012, most, if not all of these people will be able to ascend into these higher levels. According to the guardian alliance, these ascension stargates will be open for 200 earth years, and then they will close. They are the ‘emergency backup stargates', because all of the regular stargates have been taken control by the Galactic Federation and other races.." None of the above took place or is taking place. 'Throw out ideas' by all means, but at least make sure they're accurate. MelT
You're one of the only members on this forum that seems acutely aware of the dangers of certain spiritual groups such as Thrive and Theosophy.
Glad to see that you have heard of them too, they come here on a regular basis and try to win converts. Make no mistake, no matter what the OP understands about these movements, everything about the site concerned is based solely on Thrive political ideals and Theosophical misinformation. For those who are on a spiritual path, do your best to avoid anything that claims connections to Theosophy and its founder HP Blavatsky, it is all lies. Worse, these lies provided the basis not only for the Holocaust of world war two, but a hundred years of racsim and colonial oppression, as Blavatsky beleived that only those of white skinned races could ever progress spiritually, and that all others were sub-human. MelT
So he has a link on his youtube to a movie about Thrive. He recommends people to watch it. Ok, does that mean he has a part of Thrive and some kind of conspiracy? Maybe he is just recommending an interesting movie. Just because certain videos are persuasive and skilled at forming opinions, doesn't mean those at 'a higher consiousness' will be easily influenced. Theres such a thing as watching something out of interest and enjoyment. Why form opinions anyway? Every belief is essentially an obstacle to truth. "Don't seek the truth, just cease to cherish opinions". Honestly, if Jordan is a part of this thing, then it must be for good intentions. It is very easy for me to see when someone is embodying the light, when they are true to themselves, when they are in the pursuit of truth. This is someone who wants to create a new earth, like I and many others on this planet. The New Earth that Eckhart Tolle speaks of. You are being harsh on him because he gets some things wrong, because he doesn't have all the right knowledge. That is how we learn and grow. If he is a part of this Thrive group and it is somehow misleading or manipulative, then it doesn't effect me. So be it. I'm not seeking truth outside of myself anyway. At one point I used to buy into all the conspiracies. Maybe those conspiracies orginated from the thrive group, but it contributed to my awakening. It made me see that maybe everything isn't as it seems. Maybe we have more power than they make it seem. Maybe life doesn't have to be the way they choose. I never wanted to take part in 'the game' anyway. I was always fake to get off school, college and work, so I could stay home. And that is what Spirit Science is about, "Stop facing reality. Start creating reality". Now I am empowered to create my own reality. But I have discovered something far greater. The joy of being. The inner peace that depends on nothing outside itself. To live in non-resistance, nonjudgment and nonattachment. I know I have the power to create the life I want for myself, not that my joy depends on it. So maybe by being manipulated by conspiracies and opinion forming groups, they will learn and grow from it, and discover the truth within, the truth that they are. I don't even think you have watched the videos though. When did Jordan ever say about that taking place in 2012. He gives evidence to back up much of what he says, it is up to the individual to find out if the evidence is valid. Me, I just watch out of interest so I don't bother. "Wrong on Buddhism, physics, the pyramids, chakras, the role consciousness is supposed to have in evolution and whole list of other things taht really are wroeth reading just to see how bad this stuff can get." Proof? And the link to his page? Don't see anything wrong there. Honestly MeIT, I have seen some your other posts and to me you seem one of those gurus you believes that he knows more than anyone because he is 'enlightened', that you are always right and never wrong. You believe you have conquered the ego, yet judgment is of the ego and that is what it appears you are doing. I think there is just a misunderstanding because you are clearly associated with the traditional eastern spiritual path. You know, becoming enlightened and hiding away in a monastery or living on the street, no possessions, no family etc. But why does it have to be like that? It seems that just because many of us want to change the world through 'doing' and not just 'being', that we want to participate in 'the world' and play with form, all the while being conscious of our true essence, that this is somehow wrong. This is what the new consciousness coming into the planet is about. "A New Heaven and a New Earth". I'm not attacking you, I'm just suggesting that maybe you aren't as enlightened as you think. Maybe your enlightenment has become an ego role, maybe your beliefs about how a spiritual being lives are keeping you from your truest joy. That is up to you to figure out. I don't care about dimensions, pyramids, flower of life, true history of humanity. I don't care about political groups, whether spirit science is good or bad, I don't care. The lessons were helpful to me at the time, the story was very interesting, and it led to greater things. Once I read 'The Power of the Now', it changed my life. And then 'A New Earth' did too. Eckhart is my greatest teacher along with the Buddha, the Christ, my girlfriend and my ego. I now feel I no longer need any information. I am where I want to be. And I know where Im going. I know my inner purpose and my outer purpose. I have found liberation. But I know Spirit Science to be a group of well intentioned, beings of love and light. They want the same that I want for the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U2Dg6zRVEQ
Heh, 'guru'? I wish: (Actually, the last thing that any one should hope to be is a guru.). As a response I'm afraid that's more of the same. If you or anyone else here gets something form it then that's excellent. But I must point out that much of what is on the site was debunked long before I came along, so it's not the case of anything I say being just my opinion. It's fantasy as far as science and history is concerned, but for some reason you don't want anyone to say that? Isn't it a little strange that someone who wants equality for all doesn't want the truth about these things known? Nothing said about DNA for example was true. How does that help any seeker, or improve anyone? It isnt a matter of personal opinion, it's simply wrong. Again, I have to ask why you feel it's wrong of me to point that out? The problem is that whilst you and many others may be doing this with all of the best intent, you seem to be unaware of the depth of manipualtion that is taking place with political and religious intent behind the scenes. Seek a better world, hope for a better future, but not by propagating new age myths and alternative historys and the divisive idea that everyone from the top down is lying to us. Beings of love and light should want no more than the truth.... MelT Sorry, I missed this section: "... "Wrong on Buddhism, physics, the pyramids, chakras, the role consciousness is supposed to have in evolution and whole list of other things taht really are wroeth reading just to see how bad this stuff can get." Proof? And the link to his page? Don't see anything wrong there...." Please choose any one of the above subjects - or all of them - and make a litst of all the facts stated on the site and/or made in the movie about them and I will happily tell you which are wrong and right and provide proof in each case. Can I do the same and ask you to provide scientific proof of everythng he says about physics? Or chakras? Post his facts and your proofs and then we'll share notes..
I remember watching spirit science, and reading Flower of Life and buying crystals. In fact, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be where I am now. Luckily I was not so much attracted to those types of things, but still they have helped me on my own path. While there are many paths to truth.. there is only one truth. Because of this I feel it's extremely important to not become so attached to this idea or that idea. This person or that person. Let us continue to learn - learning is not really something that one can finish, is it? I have not very much to say, except that we should not hold judgments about what is truth and what is not, until we have been there. One needs to suffer to know what suffering is; one needs to become lost to find their way back home. Even all of the Perfectly Enlightened beings who have walked this earth have at some point been diluted and confused. So, I feel it's important to keep a beginners mind. Otherwise so called "discussion" is just ego talking to itself. As another Buddhist that was once ignorant and still is, i should address the question of why we abandon material goods and live in quietude. The monk is likened to a man walking on earth. He is barefoot, and on this earth there are rocks and needle-like grasses. The man does not choose to cover the earth with leather, but instead chooses to cover his feet with leather so that wherever he may walk he is protected from harm. The monk is like this too, changing himself so that he may change others. How can a blind man lead another blind man? A monk becomes intimate with his own mind and sees his own faults and neurosis. He comes to see himself in all beings and for this reason, he comes to have compassion for others because they are not others anymore; they are an extension of him. The teachings of Buddha are fantastic and inspirational, but they are no more than a doctrine without practice. Meditation is recognizing what the Buddha recognized at BodhGaya. It is awakening to the true human condition. Enlightenment lies not in words, but in experience. Not in following directions, but in treading the path yourself. There is no other way. I hope I cleared this point up for you, friend.
What works for one may not work for another, or even be seen to be the opposite of working. Judging what resonates for someone at their specific path point, against what you believe 'you' already know, reveals you may not know what you think you do. Oh...loved that post Vision. +rep (well...you know what I mean anyway)
I fully agree D, good post. The way forward is through truth alone and there are many roads to it. What tradition are you from? What we have to be very aware of is that the OP is not just talking above about a spiritual path, if that were the case then Thrive and others would not be a problem. The crux of the matter is that the OP is a conspiracy movie, whch is purposely divisive and tells people that the world is against them, and uses provably wrong science to support its various claims. Look at the title, 'History is not what we think'. Is that the title of a spiritual movie? Look at the header for it, " Every day, new information is revealing itself that further connects the ancient prophecies and understandings of our ancient past with modern physics understanding of the universe..." Except of course that modern physics has nothing to do with what is claimed, as they have most of it wrong. Again, this is a conspiracy movie, not a spiritual guidance. It's fine for everyone to have a different spiritual world view and approach, I applaud that, but this and other movies crosses the line into lies about science and eastern traditions that are so banal and wrong that they can not do anyone any good. Do lies of any kind help someone who is new to the subject of spirituality, or science, or does it hinder them? The answer is obvious. Addressing spiritual advatages spirit 'science' offers is fine, but the advantages can not be taken out of context from the rest of the nonsensical things proposed by it. It should worry anyone watching that the makers of the movie had made no attempts to verify their information, and chosen instead to get it from sources like Thrive - knowingly or unknowingly. MelT EDIT: It all makes sense now, it draws almost all of its information from the Celstine Prophecy and the Secret. Basic thrust, writing down dreams and coincidences will advance you along a spirtual path.
Look at religion, is it totally factual? No! Do they believe? Yes! Why the fuck do i need facts to determine what i should believe in? I think most people trying to do that just want to identify with some sort of greater collective of people to say "They are wrong and we are right, look at all these people, we MUST be right!!" What if facts are not facts, are you just not going to believe them anymore? The word fact is kind of a gross word IMO, once somebody says "Its a fact!" its like a switch for peoples brains to stop thinking about that, if somebody tells you "Its a fact!" you should be researching that shit promptly. I just don't understand whats so bad about having faith, its like people are on a mission to steer you away from having it when in the long run your probably going to benefit from having it because your not sitting on an internet forum debating what is factual and what isn't for the sole desire of being right. Obviously i am not a man of faith myself but i am a man of individual thought and i believe people should be looking at factual shit themselves and educating themselves and taking a vested interested in themselves rather than having "Facts" shoved down their throat which PROBABLY aren't even accurate due all the bullshit on the internet. if our countries break into war and if your not identifying with catholic you've seen in history what the fuck happens, praise non violence until a non believer comes then kill the fuck outta him and burn his shit down...Deep down, these are the kinds of people were dealing with here.
MeIT, I think you are possibly correct about a lot of things you say. Whether Jordan David is a part of Thrive, I do not know. But I would never believe he would willingly manipulate people. He has good intentions, but those videos were at a time when many people, like myself, were buying into the whole new age 2012 thing. After 2112 came and went, I actually became more conscious. No longer was I anticipating an event in the future, looking to it for salvation. I began to search truth inside of myself. Then, one day while doing 'mandatory work experience' a book stood out amongst a huge pile of books. I saw the name 'Eckhart Tolle', and it sounded familiar. I bought the book for 25p (charity shop), and it really did change my life. What I'm trying to say, is that being fooled can be a 'good' thing. Suffering can be a 'good' thing. Jordan's only young, he hasn't been on his 'spirirtual path' for that long, and maybe he is guilty of putting out information that he believed to be true, but he will learn from that. And now, like me, he seems to be going to basics if you will. But what I don't understand is HOW exactly does Spirit Science effect people negatively? What is Thrive's intentions? I'll have to have a read of that link but it looked too long at the time. I also don't understand the difference about chakras, could you explain that please. The only thing I see wrong with Spirit Science is apparently his evidence is wrong. If his evidence is proved wrong, how do you know the very evidence that proves his evidence wrong, isn't wrong? So he says eating a tomato stimulates your root chakra? How would this be proven right or wrong? The way I see it, it can only be experienced in the individual. Many people would look to teachings of Eckhart Tolle, who says, you are not your mind, your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your sense perceptions, but the formless awareness of those forms. Many people would say, where is your proof? But if you experience it in yourself, then you know it to be true. You cannot prove it scientifically though. So maybe his calculations about pyraminds, or vibrational frequencies or whatever are wrong. It doesn't matter. If people want to believe facts and accumulate knowledge hoping that it will lead them to liberation, then good luck. But ultimately, the facts are meaningless. You can learn for yourself what works and what doesn't. Once you get a certain level of consciousness you don't need to believe in one thing or another. Your intuition may tell you which is likely to be true, but your sense of self doesn't depend on it. All things are impermanent anyway so theres no use becoming attached to them. Regardless of what is right or wrong, the truth remains the same, it is within, it is all that is. And inevitably, if someone wants to find truth, they will. "If you want peace, you will choose peace". And buying into a belief may be a step toward that liberation "The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place". P.S. Have you honestly watched a lot of the Spirit Science videos?
MeIT, I think you are possibly correct about a lot of things you say. Whether Jordan David is a part of Thrive, I do not know. But I would never believe he would willingly manipulate people. I understand, but that's not what I'm saying. Knowingly or not, he promotes Thrive, and a number of new age myths that are being used to sell books and alternative therapies. If he is truly ignorant of the fact that everything he says is a lift from Thrive and so therefore the Secret, etc. then you must understand that it shows blatant lack of caring about his readers and the truth. Let me ask you, as he is promoting himself via these movies, who financed and filmed them? What I'm trying to say, is that being fooled can be a 'good' thing. Suffering can be a 'good' thing. Jordan's only young, he hasn't been on his 'spirirtual path' for that long, and maybe he is guilty of putting out information that he believed to be true, but he will learn from that. And now, like me, he seems to be going to basics if you will. Being fooled is a good thing. Wasting people's time and money is a good thing? Then we have to disagree. I don't believe that wasting peoples' time with lies is a good thing under any circumstances. If he is young and new to a spiritual path then the last thing he should be doing is setting up website to promote himself and his way of thinking. BTW, he's not exactly an original thinker, just repeating everything that Thrive and Zeitgeist have said. But what I don't understand is HOW exactly does Spirit Science effect people negatively? The idea of spirit science is fine. But real-world spirit science is based on a series of lies. It tells lies about science, particularly quantum mechanics, where misinterpretations of research is used to 'prove' that the mind can affect reality.They lie about history because it helps sell the cause if they can show that weird things have happened in the world. It's all true, UFO's, the pyramids, the Crystal Castle - they support everything and anything fringe. Why? In some cases, it's simply to sell things like 'miracle water' or a new form quack therapy. The money involved in this business is vast, and he who controls it wins. But, there are many threads to this, it's not simply to create a new age sell. Thrive's aims are nothing but political and are made to help promote far right wing politics. So far right wing it's closer to communism than communism. Abolish taxes and education as a solution to world ills? I also don't understand the difference about chakras, could you explain that please. He promotes a chakra system that was invented by a Victorian Theosophist who had no experience at all of meditation. Within weeks he said he was able to fly into people in any time in history, shrink down to subatomic level to look at diseases, and was regularly inside the body of Jesus. Sadly he and the whole Theosophical movement were exposed as frauds. The only thing I see wrong with Spirit Science is apparently his evidence is wrong. If his evidence is proved wrong, how do you know the very evidence that proves his evidence wrong, isn't wrong? So he says eating a tomato stimulates your root chakra? How would this be proven right or wrong? The way I see it, it can only be experienced in the individual. . As I say above, we aren't talking about evidence concerning any spiritual content of the site or movie. What is wrong is the science and history he uses to prove that what he says is true about the mind and its ability to change reality. This isn't about one person or another's idea of what chakras are, but just about every day science. Remember too that this is not his evidence, but word for word Thrive. He didn't invent any of this. But ultimately, the facts are meaningless. Let me get this right. You, as a supporter of SS, believe that lies are a good thing and that facts are meaningless? So, suppose someone follows SS for years, giving up their lives to its ideals - at what point are you going to tell them that everything it's based on -scientifically - is a lie, and that you hadn't told them the truth because you believed that it was good for them? It's a real irony that SS and Thrive promote the idea that we are being lied to by 'the man; and only they hold the truth, when in fact they do nothing but lie. Does that sound like a spiritual, or even good, movement? P.S. Have you honestly watched a lot of the Spirit Science videos? Oh yes, better than that. I have followed it and Thrive since their inception and watched and read everything about them. I am 'quite close' to them in many respects, as I have a special interest in researching quasi-political and religious groups who come to forums like GC to gain followers. Read more about Thrive and Foster Gamble here. http://thrivedebunked.wordpress.com/about/ MelT
Thank you, you made it a lot clearer to me now. Are there any famous 'spiritualists' that you also believe to be associated with Thrive e.g. Drunvalo Malchezidek? There are many references to books in Spirit Science. As for alternative therapies, would this mean using crystals? He also recommends Reiki, but I would think that is a legit practice. Let me ask you, as he is promoting himself via these movies, who financed and filmed them? Well Spirit Science pretty much consists of mostly animations done by Jordan. I wouldn't think this needs to be financed. He used to do animations for newgrounds years ago, so he must already have the right software/programs for doing so. Being fooled is a good thing. Wasting people's time and money is a good thing? True, but I think this is relative to the individual. The lessons helped me at the time, and it wasn't a waste of time to me. The only money I've spent on anything 'spiritual' is like I say, a couple of Eckhart Tolle books: total of about £4 haha. He promotes a chakra system that was invented by a Victorian Theosophist who had no experience at all of meditation. Within weeks he said he was able to fly into people in any time in history, shrink down to subatomic level to look at diseases, and was regularly inside the body of Jesus. Sadly he and the whole Theosophical movement were exposed as frauds. Interesting, but I haven't seen any link between this and the chakra system that Spirit Science speaks of. Maybe I just can't notice it. Let me get this right. You, as a supporter of SS, believe that lies are a good thing and that facts are meaningless? So, suppose someone follows SS for years, giving up their lives to its ideals - at what point are you going to tell them that everything it's based on -scientifically - is a lie, and that you hadn't told them the truth because you believed that it was good for them? It's a real irony that SS and Thrive promote the idea that we are being lied to by 'the man; and only they hold the truth, when in fact they do nothing but lie. Does that sound like a spiritual, or even good, movement? You misunderstand what I say. How to put this. Facts are things. They are essentially thought forms are they not. All things are impermanent, so in the end it does not matter. You can know all the facts, but not the truth. You can know truth, but not many facts. As we know, the present moment is all there is. So our past doesn't really matter. So for me personally, whether Atlantis is a myth or truth, doesn't matter. It would be silly for someone to give their lives to its ideals. That is up to them. It is the same with religion. You can see the truth behind the Christs teachings, discover that truth within yourself and live like the Christ that you are. Or you can dedicate your life to a belief system, hoping that one day it will pay off. I agree, but at the same time I do believe we have been 'lied to by the man'. It seems they have done all they can to prevent us from finding the truth, to stop us from finding our true potential. But the real truth can only be found now. Thrive may claim to be sole possession of the truth of humanity's past, but they cannot claim the truth that we are. And spirit science on many occasions points to the truth within. And I wouldn't say I'm a 'supporter' of SS haha. It was helpful at the time, but it no longer serves me. I do however, watch many of Teal Scott's videos. She is somewhat associated with Spirit Science, but more an individual spiritual teacher. She seems to wise to fall for any of Thrive's intentions and many of her videos are about improving your life, with no reference to purchasing anything.
I have to go away tomorrow for a few days, so my response will be a bit slow I'm afraid. Are there any famous 'spiritualists' that you also believe to be associated with Thrive e.g. Drunvalo Malchezidek? Thrive is only one thread of this, there is also the cult Ramtha school of enlightenment and the idiot 'chaneller' RZ Knight, all who have their own 'stars'. David Icke is on the Thrive payroll, but we can't really count him as a spiritualist. However, as spiritualism was also an invention of the Victorians, and debunked even in its own time by the people who invented it, anyone claiming to be one had better have serious proof. I have visited spiritualists and spiritualist churches and found them seriously wanting. He also recommends Reiki, but I would think that is a legit practice. Reiki is also a relatively modern invention, allegedly based on Buddhist signs and techniques of healing. It isn't. It's also famous for telling its patients that if their reiki treatment doesn't work, then it's the patient's fault. A wonderful get-out clause Let me ask you, as he is promoting himself via these movies, who financed and filmed them? Well Spirit Science pretty much consists of mostly animations done by Jordan. I wouldn't think this needs to be financed. He used to do animations for newgrounds years ago, so he must already have the right software/programs for doing so. Thankyou. Then I have to ask you why he put so much work into the animations and none into researching the things he talks about? TO me it seems a strange thing to do when the truth is readily available. Being fooled is a good thing. Wasting people's time and money is a good thing? True, but I think this is relative to the individual. The lessons helped me at the time, and it wasn't a waste of time to me. The only money I've spent on anything 'spiritual' is like I say, a couple of Eckhart Tolle books: total of about £4 haha. Good, you are lucky. How about others who devote a lot of time and do buy books and DVDs from people like Thrive, never knowing that they are wasting their time> You have done okay, I'm glad to hear it, but you still aren't saying why you think people should be fooled in the first place. He promotes a chakra system that was invented by a Victorian Theosophist who had no experience at all of meditation. Within weeks he said he was able to fly into people in any time in history, shrink down to subatomic level to look at diseases, and was regularly inside the body of Jesus. Sadly he and the whole Theosophical movement were exposed as frauds. Interesting, but I haven't seen any link between this and the chakra system that Spirit Science speaks of. Maybe I just can't notice it. It's easy to spot - everything it says regarding chakras is a part of the western occult system and fictitious. MelT: Let me get this right. You, as a supporter of SS, believe that lies are a good thing and that facts are meaningless? SM: You misunderstand what I say. How to put this. Facts are things. They are essentially thought forms are they not. All things are impermanent, so in the end it does not matter. You can know all the facts, but not the truth. You can know truth, but not many facts. As we know, the present moment is all there is. So our past doesn't really matter. So for me personally, whether Atlantis is a myth or truth, doesn't matter. No, I do understand, I'm familiar with this type of response. You're playing with words and trying to sound deep to cover what you've said, but none of it has any meaning in this context. This isn't about a person's right to believe that atlantis or his version of chakras are real. As everything he says about the mind and its effect of on reality is based on wrong science, everything he proposes is also wrong. His whole argument relies on whether or not 'his' (Thrive's) interpretation of phsyics, DNA, consciousness archeology, and history are correct. None is, therefore he is a) wrong and b) should know better. Ergo, he has nothing and everything said on the site is nonsense. There is nothing at all in what you've said to account for your comments that facts don't matter, or that lies can be good. You also don't address the question of at what point you are going to tell those you have lied to that it is all lies? I agree, but at the same time I do believe we have been 'lied to by the man'. It seems they have done all they can to prevent us from finding the truth, to stop us from finding our true potential. Who they? What truth? The truth you apparently offer instead is, as you've said yourself, lies. You are the very ones preventing people from finding the truth. Who on earth is stopping you from reaching your true potential? You see, everything SS says makes it sound like a petulant child who tries to blame its woes on everyone else. The whole movement, the whole site, reeks of bitterness, not love or spirit. There is no attempt to seek truth in it anywhere, it is not an analysis, it simply tries to replaces the viewer's world view with that of Thrive, Theosophy, Ramtha, etc. That isn't opening anyone's mind, nothing in the movies is original. But the real truth can only be found now. Thrive may claim to be sole possession of the truth of humanity's past, but they cannot claim the truth that we are. And spirit science on many occasions points to the truth within. It doesn't point to anything, it just pretends to. It says that you can think and do what you want, because UFO's, pyramid power and crystals are real and you can create your own reality with your mind and it links to THrive and other equally bad material. That's not the truth within. . I do however, watch many of Teal Scott's videos. She is somewhat associated with Spirit Science, but more an individual spiritual teacher. She seems to wise to fall for any of Thrive's intentions and many of her videos are about improving your life, with no reference to purchasing anything. So the centers she hopes to open will be financed how? Her videos might be about improving your life, but the site is a sell for her paintings, DVD's and her book. It is about nothing other than money and some glib platitudes. Why do spiritual people like her and your friend Jason always go straight for the money? Don't you see how shadey it makes you seem? "...By focusing on these paintings and having them in your living space, they will cause your energy to "entrain" with and "resonate" at the same frequency and amplitude of the vibration that they are created to convey. And in turn, aid you to amplify and manifest the presence of the subject matter in your life. What nonsense it sounds like it was written by a child and would be funny if it weren;t so sad. I have to be honest. if this is one of the stars of SS, it is in serious trouble. Please allow me to set up a double-blind test and we can see how good she really is as a psychic. If she is real then she will have no problem at all with that. I assure you that it will be done with complete fairness. I'd like to predict that she 'will not be able to perform because of negative energies...' (Teal Scott) "....Teal was born with extrasensory abilities. Among these abilities she was born with were clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields and the ability to communicate with thought forms..." And also needs to get over herself, soon. I ask again, what is it you fear about the truth that you would prefer to defend lies? MelT
I've watched these in the past, and I will say that the series is FAR FAR FAR from what could be considered science. I would attempt to go into more detail, but MeLT has done a much better job at this than I could.