My mix cosists of Humboldts mix ( they were out of promix) worm castings,perlite and just a touch of bat guano. I am vegging right now and all looks well. I am planning on top dressing with compost from my compost pile but I am worried about bringing bugs into my room. Whats the standard operating procedure here?
Next you need to work on your own soil mix. Is it a good compost you have? That is definetly half the battle. With some sphagnum peat, quality compost, a couple of nutritional amendments, such as kelp, neem & alfalfa, and an aeration component you will blow away that expensive and highly overrated Humboldt mix. It wouldn't even be in the same league. J
I believe my compost is good, lots of chicken and rabbit shit mixed with hay, yard waste and food scraps that has broken down well and looks rich.I probably have enough for my next run maybe I will try. I have a vermicompost bin built as well just need to order some worms.
*I* don't bring outdoor compost indoors because of bugs. Use it plenty in the garden and container veggies outside. I do use my *indoor* compost (vermicompost), indoors though. Try it and see, there is really no right or wrong, but whether it will work with your situation or not. My indoor situation seems to create a perfect storm for bugs getting brought in. Jerry's doesn't, just that simple. Get those worms going!!!! Wet
Definitely get your worm bin up and running, then you can use your compost as foodstock for the worms. This will alleviate much your concerns over bugs.