Skate 2 The elder Scrolls Oblivion Metro last light Fallout new vegas ultimate edition Sniper elite v2
The Last of Us L.A. Noire Heavy Rain God of War 2 (for the PS2 but its the best of the series imo) if that's not accepted then Forza 4 Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Sent from my LS670 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
God of War 1 through Ascension should keep you busy for a minute Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I just smoked so I remembered more games. Everybody has said great ones so I wont include those. Street Fighter 4 WWE 12 13 Mortal Kombat (9) Sleeping Dogs is okay. Castlevania Arkham Asylum Arkham City I dont even have a PS3.
Wow! Thanks guys. Done all God of Wars. The Last of Us and Skyrim I've been wanting. Anyone play Bioshock:Infinite? It seems good. Marvel vs Capcom is awesome Any new DBZ games for PS3? I was the DBZ master on PS2 lol.