In your opinion: Want THC level info, value for money, easier to grow the better, the biggest bud yielders, least likely to stress or turn hermie etc. Cheers people
I would check out some of the seed sellers i found one site that give you all the info your looking for white widow is the top dawg with a 20-25% THC the bud is so white you dont see the green bud. here is a link
Northern Lights, or pretty much anything crossed with it. There's plenty of others but NL is known for big yields and high THC. It's also a hardy strain so it's great for beginners.
I would say master kush. that sheit blew me away didnt have a real bad smell till drying but man iether i did something right or it was just a really good strain
I'm sure they do say that over at GHS. Don't believe hype and especially don't believe growers descriptions. Trust your good old blades and bladies here at GC.